文档位置: https://kubernetes.io/zh-cn/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/node/
节点鉴权是一种特殊用途的鉴权模式,专门对 kubelet 发出的 API 请求进行授权。
- 如果不是 node 的请求则拒绝
- 如果 nodeName 没有找到则拒绝
- 如果请求是 configmap, secret, pod, pv, pvc 需要校验
- 如果动作非 Get, 拒绝
- 如果请求的资源和节点没有关系则拒绝
- 如果请求其他资源,需要按照预先定义好 Rule 匹配
节点鉴权器允许 kubelet 执行 API 操作。包括:
- services
- endpoints
- nodes
- pods
- 与绑定到 kubelet 节点的 Pod 相关的 Secret、ConfigMap、PersistentVolumeClaim 和持久卷
- 节点和节点状态(启用 NodeRestriction 准入插件以限制 kubelet 只能修改自己的节点)
- Pod 和 Pod 状态 (启用 NodeRestriction 准入插件以限制 kubelet 只能修改绑定到自身的 Pod)事件
- 对于基于 TLS 的启动引导过程时使用的 certificationsigningrequests API 的读/写权限
- 为委派的身份验证/鉴权检查创建 TokenReview 和 SubjectAccessReview 的能力
为了获得节点鉴权器的授权,kubelet 必须使用一个凭证以表示它在 system:nodes 组中,用户名为 system:node:。上述的组名和用户名格式要与 kubelet TLS 启动引导 过程中为每个 kubelet 创建的标识相匹配。
的值必须与 kubelet 注册的节点名称精确匹配。默认情况下,节点名称是由 hostname 提供的主机名,或者通过 kubelet --hostname-override 选项 覆盖。 但是,当使用 --cloud-provider kubelet 选项时,具体的主机名可能由云提供商确定, 忽略本地的 hostname 和 --hostname-override 选项。有关 kubelet 如何确定主机名的详细信息,请参阅 kubelet 选项参考。
要启用节点鉴权器,请使用 --authorization-mode=Node 启动 API 服务器。
要限制 kubelet 可以写入的 API 对象,请使用 --enable-admission-plugins=...,NodeRestriction,... 启动 API 服务器,从而启用 NodeRestriction 准入插件。
文件位置: /plugin/pkg/auth/authorizer/node/node_authorizer.go
func (r *NodeAuthorizer) Authorize(ctx context.Context, attrs authorizer.Attributes) (authorizer.Decision, string, error) {
nodeName, isNode := r.identifier.NodeIdentity(attrs.GetUser())
if !isNode {
// reject requests from non-nodes
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, "", nil
if len(nodeName) == 0 {
// reject requests from unidentifiable nodes
klog.V(2).Infof("NODE DENY: unknown node for user %q", attrs.GetUser().GetName())
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, fmt.Sprintf("unknown node for user %q", attrs.GetUser().GetName()), nil
// subdivide access to specific resources
if attrs.IsResourceRequest() {
requestResource := schema.GroupResource{Group: attrs.GetAPIGroup(), Resource: attrs.GetResource()}
switch requestResource {
case secretResource:
return r.authorizeReadNamespacedObject(nodeName, secretVertexType, attrs)
case configMapResource:
return r.authorizeReadNamespacedObject(nodeName, configMapVertexType, attrs)
case pvcResource:
if attrs.GetSubresource() == "status" {
return r.authorizeStatusUpdate(nodeName, pvcVertexType, attrs)
return r.authorizeGet(nodeName, pvcVertexType, attrs)
case pvResource:
return r.authorizeGet(nodeName, pvVertexType, attrs)
case vaResource:
return r.authorizeGet(nodeName, vaVertexType, attrs)
case svcAcctResource:
return r.authorizeCreateToken(nodeName, serviceAccountVertexType, attrs)
case leaseResource:
return r.authorizeLease(nodeName, attrs)
case csiNodeResource:
return r.authorizeCSINode(nodeName, attrs)
// Access to other resources is not subdivided, so just evaluate against the statically defined node rules
if rbac.RulesAllow(attrs, r.nodeRules...) {
return authorizer.DecisionAllow, "", nil
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, "", nil
// NewDefaultNodeIdentifier returns a default NodeIdentifier implementation,
// which returns isNode=true if the user groups contain the system:nodes group
// and the user name matches the format system:node:<nodeName>, and populates
// nodeName if isNode is true
func NewDefaultNodeIdentifier() NodeIdentifier {
return defaultNodeIdentifier{}
// defaultNodeIdentifier implements NodeIdentifier
type defaultNodeIdentifier struct{}
// nodeUserNamePrefix is the prefix for usernames in the form `system:node:<nodeName>`
const nodeUserNamePrefix = "system:node:"
// NodeIdentity returns isNode=true if the user groups contain the system:nodes
// group and the user name matches the format system:node:<nodeName>, and
// populates nodeName if isNode is true
func (defaultNodeIdentifier) NodeIdentity(u user.Info) (string, bool) {
// Make sure we're a node, and can parse the node name
if u == nil {
return "", false
userName := u.GetName()
if !strings.HasPrefix(userName, nodeUserNamePrefix) {
return "", false
isNode := false
for _, g := range u.GetGroups() {
if g == user.NodesGroup {
isNode = true
if !isNode {
return "", false
nodeName := strings.TrimPrefix(userName, nodeUserNamePrefix)
return nodeName, true
- 用户 Name 是否以 system:node: 开头
- 用户是否在 system:nodes 组中
- 返回 nodeName
- 规则
// NodeAuthorizer authorizes requests from kubelets, with the following logic:
// 1. If a request is not from a node (NodeIdentity() returns isNode=false), reject
// 2. If a specific node cannot be identified (NodeIdentity() returns nodeName=""), reject
// 3. If a request is for a secret, configmap, persistent volume or persistent volume claim, reject unless the verb is get, and the requested object is related to the requesting node:
// node <- configmap
// node <- pod
// node <- pod <- secret
// node <- pod <- configmap
// node <- pod <- pvc
// node <- pod <- pvc <- pv
// node <- pod <- pvc <- pv <- secret
// 4. For other resources, authorize all nodes uniformly using statically defined rules
- 规则 3 分析
- 如果请求的资源是 secret, configmap , pvc, pv, 需要验证动作是否 GET
- 以 secretResource为例, 调用 authorizeReadNamespacedObject 方法
case secretResource:
return r.authorizeReadNamespacedObject(nodeName, secretVertexType, attrs)
- authorizeReadNamespacedObject 验证 namespace 方法
// authorizeReadNamespacedObject authorizes "get", "list" and "watch" requests to single objects of a
// specified types if they are related to the specified node.
func (r *NodeAuthorizer) authorizeReadNamespacedObject(nodeName string, startingType vertexType, attrs authorizer.Attributes) (authorizer.Decision, string, error) {
switch attrs.GetVerb() {
case "get", "list", "watch":
klog.V(2).Infof("NODE DENY: '%s' %#v", nodeName, attrs)
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, "can only read resources of this type", nil
if len(attrs.GetSubresource()) > 0 {
klog.V(2).Infof("NODE DENY: '%s' %#v", nodeName, attrs)
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, "cannot read subresource", nil
if len(attrs.GetNamespace()) == 0 {
klog.V(2).Infof("NODE DENY: '%s' %#v", nodeName, attrs)
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, "can only read namespaced object of this type", nil
return r.authorize(nodeName, startingType, attrs)
- 方法是 非GET, List, watch, 拒绝
- 子资源拒绝
- 非 NameSpace 请求拒绝
- 调用底层 authorize 方法继续
- node 底层 authorize 方法
func (r *NodeAuthorizer) authorize(nodeName string, startingType vertexType, attrs authorizer.Attributes) (authorizer.Decision, string, error) {
if len(attrs.GetName()) == 0 {
klog.V(2).Infof("NODE DENY: '%s' %#v", nodeName, attrs)
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, "No Object name found", nil
ok, err := r.hasPathFrom(nodeName, startingType, attrs.GetNamespace(), attrs.GetName())
if err != nil {
klog.V(2).InfoS("NODE DENY", "err", err)
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, fmt.Sprintf("no relationship found between node '%s' and this object", nodeName), nil
if !ok {
klog.V(2).Infof("NODE DENY: '%s' %#v", nodeName, attrs)
return authorizer.DecisionNoOpinion, fmt.Sprintf("no relationship found between node '%s' and this object", nodeName), nil
return authorizer.DecisionAllow, "", nil
- nodeName 为空, 拒绝
- 不是这个 node 下的资源,拒绝
- 其他资源 rbac.RulesAllow
文件位置: /plugin/pkg/auth/authorizer/rbac/rbac.go
func RulesAllow(requestAttributes authorizer.Attributes, rules ...rbacv1.PolicyRule) bool {
for i := range rules {
if RuleAllows(requestAttributes, &rules[i]) {
return true
return false
func RuleAllows(requestAttributes authorizer.Attributes, rule *rbacv1.PolicyRule) bool {
if requestAttributes.IsResourceRequest() {
combinedResource := requestAttributes.GetResource()
if len(requestAttributes.GetSubresource()) > 0 {
combinedResource = requestAttributes.GetResource() + "/" + requestAttributes.GetSubresource()
return rbacv1helpers.VerbMatches(rule, requestAttributes.GetVerb()) &&
rbacv1helpers.APIGroupMatches(rule, requestAttributes.GetAPIGroup()) &&
rbacv1helpers.ResourceMatches(rule, combinedResource, requestAttributes.GetSubresource()) &&
rbacv1helpers.ResourceNameMatches(rule, requestAttributes.GetName())
return rbacv1helpers.VerbMatches(rule, requestAttributes.GetVerb()) &&
rbacv1helpers.NonResourceURLMatches(rule, requestAttributes.GetPath())
对每一个原先定义的 Rule 遍历,同时检查是否通过。
rules 在初始化位置传入:
nodeAuthorizer := node.NewAuthorizer(graph, nodeidentifier.NewDefaultNodeIdentifier(), bootstrappolicy.NodeRules())
这些规则定义位置:bootstrappolicy.NodeRules(), 具体规则
// NodeRules returns node policy rules, it is slice of rbacv1.PolicyRule.
func NodeRules() []rbacv1.PolicyRule {
nodePolicyRules := []rbacv1.PolicyRule{
// Needed to check API access. These creates are non-mutating
rbacv1helpers.NewRule("create").Groups(authorizationGroup).Resources("subjectaccessreviews", "localsubjectaccessreviews").RuleOrDie(),
// Needed to build serviceLister, to populate env vars for services
// Nodes can register Node API objects and report status.
// Use the NodeRestriction admission plugin to limit a node to creating/updating its own API object.
rbacv1helpers.NewRule("create", "get", "list", "watch").Groups(legacyGroup).Resources("nodes").RuleOrDie(),
rbacv1helpers.NewRule("update", "patch").Groups(legacyGroup).Resources("nodes/status").RuleOrDie(),
rbacv1helpers.NewRule("update", "patch").Groups(legacyGroup).Resources("nodes").RuleOrDie(),
// TODO: restrict to the bound node as creator in the NodeRestrictions admission plugin
rbacv1helpers.NewRule("create", "update", "patch").Groups(legacyGroup).Resources("events").RuleOrDie(),
// TODO: restrict to pods scheduled on the bound node once field selectors are supported by list/watch authorization
// Needed for the node to create/delete mirror pods.
// Use the NodeRestriction admission plugin to limit a node to creating/deleting mirror pods bound to itself.
rbacv1helpers.NewRule("create", "delete").Groups(legacyGroup).Resources("pods").RuleOrDie(),
// Needed for the node to report status of pods it is running.
// Use the NodeRestriction admission plugin to limit a node to updating status of pods bound to itself.
rbacv1helpers.NewRule("update", "patch").Groups(legacyGroup).Resources("pods/status").RuleOrDie(),
// Needed for the node to create pod evictions.
// Use the NodeRestriction admission plugin to limit a node to creating evictions for pods bound to itself.
// Needed for imagepullsecrets, rbd/ceph and secret volumes, and secrets in envs
// Needed for configmap volume and envs
// Use the Node authorization mode to limit a node to get secrets/configmaps referenced by pods bound to itself.
rbacv1helpers.NewRule("get", "list", "watch").Groups(legacyGroup).Resources("secrets", "configmaps").RuleOrDie(),
// Needed for persistent volumes
// Use the Node authorization mode to limit a node to get pv/pvc objects referenced by pods bound to itself.
rbacv1helpers.NewRule("get").Groups(legacyGroup).Resources("persistentvolumeclaims", "persistentvolumes").RuleOrDie(),
// TODO: add to the Node authorizer and restrict to endpoints referenced by pods or PVs bound to the node
// Needed for glusterfs volumes
// Used to create a certificatesigningrequest for a node-specific client certificate, and watch
// for it to be signed. This allows the kubelet to rotate it's own certificate.
rbacv1helpers.NewRule("create", "get", "list", "watch").Groups(certificatesGroup).Resources("certificatesigningrequests").RuleOrDie(),
// Leases
rbacv1helpers.NewRule("get", "create", "update", "patch", "delete").Groups("coordination.k8s.io").Resources("leases").RuleOrDie(),
// CSI
// Use the Node authorization to limit a node to create tokens for service accounts running on that node
// Use the NodeRestriction admission plugin to limit a node to create tokens bound to pods on that node
// Use the Node authorization mode to limit a node to update status of pvc objects referenced by pods bound to itself.
// Use the NodeRestriction admission plugin to limit a node to just update the status stanza.
pvcStatusPolicyRule := rbacv1helpers.NewRule("get", "update", "patch").Groups(legacyGroup).Resources("persistentvolumeclaims/status").RuleOrDie()
nodePolicyRules = append(nodePolicyRules, pvcStatusPolicyRule)
// CSI
csiDriverRule := rbacv1helpers.NewRule("get", "watch", "list").Groups("storage.k8s.io").Resources("csidrivers").RuleOrDie()
nodePolicyRules = append(nodePolicyRules, csiDriverRule)
csiNodeInfoRule := rbacv1helpers.NewRule("get", "create", "update", "patch", "delete").Groups("storage.k8s.io").Resources("csinodes").RuleOrDie()
nodePolicyRules = append(nodePolicyRules, csiNodeInfoRule)
// RuntimeClass
nodePolicyRules = append(nodePolicyRules, rbacv1helpers.NewRule("get", "list", "watch").Groups("node.k8s.io").Resources("runtimeclasses").RuleOrDie())
// DRA Resource Claims
if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.DynamicResourceAllocation) {
nodePolicyRules = append(nodePolicyRules, rbacv1helpers.NewRule("get").Groups(resourceGroup).Resources("resourceclaims").RuleOrDie())
// Kubelet needs access to ClusterTrustBundles to support the pemTrustAnchors volume type.
if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.ClusterTrustBundle) {
nodePolicyRules = append(nodePolicyRules, rbacv1helpers.NewRule("get", "list", "watch").Groups(certificatesGroup).Resources("clustertrustbundles").RuleOrDie())
return nodePolicyRules