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[Vue warn]: Failed to resolve async component: #66

alphanull opened this issue Mar 23, 2019 · 7 comments

[Vue warn]: Failed to resolve async component: #66

alphanull opened this issue Mar 23, 2019 · 7 comments


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Similar to #56, but I do NOT use ES6 export in my .vue File.

It looks like this (actually this is the "official" Hello World component):

  <p>{{ greeting }} World!</p>

<style scoped>
p {
  font-size: 2em;
  text-align: center;

module.exports = {
    data: function() {
        return {
            greeting: "Hello"

And I try to use it like this:

httpVueLoader.register(Vue, "hello.vue");

While the component does seem to be registered, when running my code I get this:

[Vue warn]: Failed to resolve async component: function() {

        return new Component(name).load(url)
            .then((component) => component.normalize())
            .then((component) => component.compile())
            .then((component) => {

                const exports = component.script !== null ? component.script.module.exports : {};

                if (component.template !== null) { exports.template = component.template.getContent(); }

                if ( === undefined) { if ( !== undefined) { =; } }

                exports._baseURI = component.baseURI;

                return exports;
Reason: SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier

Any ideas?

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You make exports a constant and then try to modify it?

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Where do I try to modify it? Last code snippet is the error message VueJS throws at me, not my code. Anyways, I have a completely different solution now which works much better for me, i.e. I am transforming the .vue Files to ordinary ES6 modules - on the fly - directly on my dev server (using mod_sed). No more hoola hoop in the browser ;) So I won't be able to replicate my problem anymore. Maybe we can close this one?

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I'm facing this issue while implementing in my jsp. I didn't used any import or export in my vue file.

vue.js:634 [Vue warn]: Failed to resolve async component: function() {

		return new Component(name).load(url)
		.then(function(component) {

			return component.normalize();
		.then(function(component) {

			return component.compile();
		.then(function(component) {

			var exports = component.script !== null ? component.script.module.exports : {};

			if ( component.template !== null )
				exports.template = component.template.getContent();

			if ( === undefined )
				if ( !== undefined ) =;

			exports._baseURI = component.baseURI;

			return exports;

Reason: SyntaxError: Unexpected token export**

This is my vue component code attached below


		<el-table id="left_table" ref="assignListTable" :data="left_tableData.filter(data => !left_search ||" height="450px" empty-text="No records selected" highlight-current-row @current-change="handleSelectedRow" @row-dblclick="leftTableRowDblClick">
			<el-table-column prop="name" label="Name" sortable>
			<el-table-column prop="eyeColor" label="Eye Color" sortable>
			<el-table-column prop="age" label="Age" sortable>
	<div class="assign-btns">
		<el-button size="mini" @click="moveItemToRight">></el-button><br />
		<el-button size="mini" @click="moveItemToLeft"><</el-button>
	<div class="right-tabDiv">
		<el-input v-model="right_search" size="large" placeholder="Type name to search"/>
		<el-table id="right_table" ref="assignListTable" :data="right_tableData.filter(data => !right_search ||" height="450px" empty-text="No records selected" highlight-current-row @current-change="handleSelectedRow" @row-dblclick="rightTableRowDblClick">
			<el-table-column prop="name" label="Name" sortable>
			<el-table-column prop="eyeColor" label="Eye Color" sortable>
			<el-table-column prop="age" label="Age" sortable>
<script> module.exports = { name : 'opsassignlist', components: { Element, }, data() { return { tableheight : parseInt(document.documentElement.clientHeight) - 250, currentRow: null, left_search : "", right_search : "", right_tableData : [], left_tableData: [{ "_id": "5a719f4abe1454d288a446fb", "index": 0, "guid": "b3ca8526-631d-4bf3-8f06-3b6471d8d837", "isActive": false, "balance": "$1,818.45", "picture": "", "age": 21, "eyeColor": "blue", "name": "Zelma Hill", "gender": "female", "company": "SARASONIC", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "+1 (970) 514-3943", "address": "737 Madeline Court, Sardis, Rhode Island, 6383", "registered": "2015-09-02T01:19:33 -06:-30", "latitude": 27.20603, "longitude": -123.84414, "greeting": "Hello, Zelma Hill! You have 1 unread messages." }, { "_id": "5a719f4a6efb81b6075cf89c", "index": 1, "guid": "4f57129a-5836-41a1-b649-4fdb8b8de50b", "isActive": true, "balance": "$2,089.66", "picture": "", "age": 36, "eyeColor": "brown", "name": "Gloria Monroe", "gender": "female", "company": "KEGULAR", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "+1 (922) 480-2722", "address": "237 Vandam Street, Westboro, North Dakota, 8800", "registered": "2016-11-03T09:47:35 -06:-30", "latitude": -32.049426, "longitude": -120.344428, "greeting": "Hello, Gloria Monroe! You have 2 unread messages." }, { "_id": "5a719f4a54dea909631f8242", "index": 2, "guid": "614c0b13-8318-46f9-afed-ca08aaf98111", "isActive": true, "balance": "$3,887.03", "picture": "", "age": 32, "eyeColor": "green", "name": "Pittman Compton", "gender": "male", "company": "MOBILDATA", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "+1 (822) 479-2805", "address": "395 Colonial Court, Toftrees, Washington, 4458", "registered": "2015-01-16T12:58:58 -06:-30", "latitude": -55.725444, "longitude": -35.000187, "greeting": "Hello, Pittman Compton! You have 7 unread messages." }, { "_id": "5a719f4adbdf80529ae6619b", "index": 3, "guid": "295ea36b-bbf6-4f3d-b671-38d594b97771", "isActive": true, "balance": "$1,269.90", "picture": "", "age": 23, "eyeColor": "blue", "name": "Merritt Vega", "gender": "male", "company": "YOGASM", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "+1 (893) 435-3412", "address": "837 Hale Avenue, Crenshaw, Pennsylvania, 3483", "registered": "2017-02-14T03:15:03 -06:-30", "latitude": 24.563976, "longitude": -110.018622, "greeting": "Hello, Merritt Vega! You have 7 unread messages." }, { "_id": "5a719f4a0368bbb74eef718b", "index": 4, "guid": "1478f13f-a607-488e-b72f-ac5a23644b62", "isActive": false, "balance": "$2,941.29", "picture": "", "age": 23, "eyeColor": "green", "name": "Workman Bishop", "gender": "male", "company": "MAGNEATO", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "+1 (813) 550-2614", "address": "879 Flatbush Avenue, Ironton, South Dakota, 6826", "registered": "2016-05-07T07:35:02 -06:-30", "latitude": -23.338318, "longitude": -25.579806, "greeting": "Hello, Workman Bishop! You have 1 unread messages." }, { "_id": "5a719f4a9351a1e51ba57f83", "index": 5, "guid": "e23d726d-e697-4b8f-b246-0ee64ffbfdb9", "isActive": true, "balance": "$2,026.32", "picture": "", "age": 30, "eyeColor": "blue", "name": "Mcintyre Stafford", "gender": "male", "company": "WEBIOTIC", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "+1 (985) 509-2367", "address": "710 Gotham Avenue, Belgreen, Colorado, 5812", "registered": "2016-09-27T06:43:54 -06:-30", "latitude": 36.559873, "longitude": 92.903573, "greeting": "Hello, Mcintyre Stafford! You have 9 unread messages." }, { "_id": "5a719f4a8d76aa662125dce6", "index": 6, "guid": "b95dcdc2-a92f-4db7-b73d-76c75aab364c", "isActive": false, "balance": "$3,857.49", "picture": "", "age": 23, "eyeColor": "green", "name": "Gilliam Acevedo", "gender": "male", "company": "REMOLD", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "+1 (908) 516-2452", "address": "122 Rewe Street, Hessville, Maine, 9744", "registered": "2016-10-20T03:21:38 -06:-30", "latitude": -73.823435, "longitude": 101.141268, "greeting": "Hello, Gilliam Acevedo! You have 6 unread messages." }, { "_id": "5a719f4a496f89d5d6bc9df7", "index": 7, "guid": "d1df3431-c301-4afc-82b6-f686ffc59c90", "isActive": true, "balance": "$2,682.93", "picture": "", "age": 38, "eyeColor": "brown", "name": "Alissa Harrison", "gender": "female", "company": "HOMELUX", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "+1 (952) 403-2207", "address": "499 Hart Place, Tetherow, Texas, 8849", "registered": "2014-10-02T01:24:21 -06:-30", "latitude": 40.427218, "longitude": 33.590272, "greeting": "Hello, Alissa Harrison! You have 2 unread messages." }, { "_id": "5a719f4a7b8e958311860400", "index": 8, "guid": "81a7ca91-707f-48eb-8f39-10e2096b81a3", "isActive": false, "balance": "$2,871.53", "picture": "", "age": 36, "eyeColor": "brown", "name": "June Hays", "gender": "female", "company": "LYRIA", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "+1 (944) 449-3170", "address": "378 Schermerhorn Street, Hall, Tennessee, 8313", "registered": "2015-02-23T01:14:27 -06:-30", "latitude": -39.050307, "longitude": 126.83565, "greeting": "Hello, June Hays! You have 1 unread messages." }, { "_id": "5a719f4a496f89d5d6bc9df799", "index": 7, "guid": "d1df3431-c301-4afc-82b6-f686ffc59c90", "isActive": true, "balance": "$2,682.93", "picture": "", "age": 29, "eyeColor": "brown", "name": "Krishna", "gender": "male", "company": "HOMELUX", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "+1 (952) 403-2207", "address": "499 Hart Place, Tetherow, Texas, 8849", "registered": "2014-10-02T01:24:21 -06:-30", "latitude": 40.427218, "longitude": 33.590272, "greeting": "Hello, Alissa Harrison! You have 2 unread messages." }, { "_id": "5a719f4a7b8e958311860499", "index": 8, "guid": "81a7ca91-707f-48eb-8f39-10e2096b81a3", "isActive": false, "balance": "$2,871.53", "picture": "", "age": 29, "eyeColor": "brown", "name": "Tulasi", "gender": "male", "company": "LYRIA", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "+1 (944) 449-3170", "address": "378 Schermerhorn Street, Hall, Tennessee, 8313", "registered": "2015-02-23T01:14:27 -06:-30", "latitude": -39.050307, "longitude": 126.83565, "greeting": "Hello, June Hays! You have 1 unread messages." }], } }, methods: { handleSelectedRow(val) { this.currentRow = val; }, moveItemToRight() { if(this.currentRow == null){ this.$alert("Please select any item from the list", "Notification", { confirmButtonText: "OK", }); } else { if(this.right_tableData.indexOf(this.currentRow) == -1 && this.currentRow != null){ this.right_tableData.push(this.currentRow); } if(this.left_tableData.indexOf(this.currentRow) != -1 && this.currentRow != null){ this.left_tableData.splice(this.left_tableData.indexOf(this.currentRow), 1); } } }, moveItemToLeft(){ if(this.currentRow == null){ this.$alert("Please select any item from the list", "Notification", { confirmButtonText: "OK", }); } else { if(this.left_tableData.indexOf(this.currentRow) == -1 && this.currentRow != null){ this.left_tableData.push(this.currentRow); } if(this.right_tableData.indexOf(this.currentRow) != -1 && this.currentRow != null){ this.right_tableData.splice(this.right_tableData.indexOf(this.currentRow), 1); } } }, leftTableRowDblClick(leftrow, leftcolumn, event){ this.currentRow = leftrow; this.moveItemToRight(); }, rightTableRowDblClick(rightrow, rightcolumn, event){ this.currentRow = rightrow; this.moveItemToLeft(); } }, } </script> <style> html, body { font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif; } .assign-list-container { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; height: auto; width: auto; overflow: hidden; } .assign-list-container .left-tabDiv{ width: 45%; float: left; padding: 10px; } .assign-list-container .right-tabDiv{ width: 44%; float: right; padding: 10px; } .assign-btns { float: left; width: 5%; margin-top: 15%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; justify-content: space-around; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; } .el-button { font-size: 20px; line-height: 20px !important; } .el-input { width: 50%; float: right; } .el-message-box__btns .el-button { font-size: 13px; line-height: 12px !important; } </style>**


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gaby64 commented Dec 17, 2019

Where do I try to modify it? Last code snippet is the error message VueJS throws at me, not my code. Anyways, I have a completely different solution now which works much better for me, i.e. I am transforming the .vue Files to ordinary ES6 modules - on the fly - directly on my dev server (using mod_sed). No more hoola hoop in the browser ;) So I won't be able to replicate my problem anymore. Maybe we can close this one?

mind sharing your solution?
sounds like the only real way to do it.

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akauppi commented Apr 24, 2020

For what it's worth, I face this error as well, and can help in debugging or reproducing if someone takes the lead. Was scouting whether I could use httpVueLoader for streamlining the development experience (inspired by Snowpack).

Edit: I'm trying to load .vue components that use ESM import and also export themeselves as:

export default {

Not willing to give this up, since the project is very ESM based, as such. Is there any hope htppVueLoader would be up to the task, or should I look elsewhere?

Note: No burden. It's just that since the README doesn't explicitly mention about problems with ESM users, this may come as a late suprise. Maybe a mention there would be in place, if it's a project policy.

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gaby64 commented Apr 24, 2020

my solution #94

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anyjaim commented May 23, 2021

Possible solution: remove the Lang attribute from the tags: template and style. I had a hard time finding this simple error. That's for using snippets

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