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Alex Hallam edited this page Oct 18, 2021 · 20 revisions

Release TODO

tv is getting closer to being the finished product that was envisioned from the start. I assume that when tv is "complete" releases/patches will become less frequent. This page is to be a reminder of tasks I need to do when new versions are pushed. I am making this now while the steps are fresh in my mind.

  1. Documentation checklist
    • has the version been bumped in the help section
    • say what has changed in
  2. Bump the version in Config.toml
  3. Release. Push and merge a "prep" commit before commiting
  4. Add a tag locally that matches the version number. Push the tag to main. (This triggers GHA) git tag 0.0.0 and git push origin 0.0.0
  5. Use cargo deb to build a debian binary (maybe add this to GHA in the future). Upload to releases page.

Release notation <major>.<minor>.<patch>

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