Tripscore (v1.0.0)
The analytical tool that measures the quality of experience of public transport services.
Together, Ghent and the region of Madrid have initiated an innovative action that will increase the accessibility of public services and public transport. To do this, they collaborate to publish linked open data. Both cities are experienced publishers of open data, and together they prove that new technologies (such as the “Semantic Web”) can lead to economies of scale, such as the creation of cross-country applications.
Team OASIS has build a proof of concept webapp that shows the quality of experience score or tripscore of trips on a certain day within a timespan of two hours. The score itself is based on your personal preferences such as maximum acceptable delay or maximum acceptable amount of hops. Travellers can now make an informed decision on when and which train, tram or bus to take.
The applications uses linked open data in the form of Linked Connections which uses both static and historical data.
- Node.JS (^v6.9.x)
- npm (^v3.x.x)
Install Angular CLI
npm install -g @angular/cli
To install all dependencies (required before running any of the other commands).
$ npm install
Start the application in developer mode (this will also open the project in the default browser).
$ npm start
Build the app for uploading it to the browser
$ npm run build
Please make sure to follow the contribution guidelines.
- Jasper De Moor @DeMoorJasper
- Israel Ketema Elefenh
- Bruno Haspeslagh @BrunoHaspeslagh
- Robrecht Meersman @RobrechtM
- Pieter-Jan Vandenberghe @Buccaneer
- David Chaves @dachafra
- Pieter Colpaert @pietercolpaert
- Julian Rojas @julianrojas87
This code is copyrighted by OASIS and released under the MIT license.