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Mizael Douglas MizaelDouglasDeMello
Mobile Developer Android and IOS | Kotlin | Swift | Java | C# | PHP | SQL | SqlServer | MySql
Dacheng successgo
Happy Hacking


Enterprise ngogiaphat
Run for my life !!!!!!

Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh City

Farzaneh Gholian FarzanehMG
I am Farzaneh, interested in learning software development using Microsoft technology stack (like C#, Core, EntityFramwork core).

Tehran, Iran

Kaizhi Xuan xkz1994

semix China Changzhou

Robby robbyroesbeke
.NET Developer


Unchun Yang ucyang
I am a software engineer who loves the free and open-source software (FOSS) ecosystem. My broad interests include AI, cybersecurity, and quantum computing.
👨🏾‍💻|| FullStack Developer❤️ 👤||Fellow at THE ROOM 👨🏾‍💻 📚|| IT Student 📍||

Abidjan, Côte D’Ivoire

Ross Nelson rnelson

@nearform Omaha, NE, USA

StefanGreve StefanGreve
.NET Developer

NEXUS / LAB Berlin

Syed Shahriyar Ali SyedShahriyarAli
.NET Developer | Technical Lead

Turf-pk Karachi, Pakistan

nima nikoonazar nimanikoo
.NET Developer - Software Engineer Tehran

Arman Ossi Loko armanossiloko

Bugojno, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bakha BahodurTursunov
I work as a software engineer at Eskhata Bank, where I integrate APIs into a client application built with Blazor

Eskhata Bank Tajikistan

Akata Akata692
It is God who made it.
Philip John Basile PhilipJohnBasile
Senior Staff Front End Engineer with 25 Years of Expertise Across All Genres.

Basilcom Inc. New Rochelle

Kennedy Lodonu Kenny-Rogers
I am a software engineer who loves building solutions to varied problems with cutting-edge technologies.

@hubtel Accra, Ghana

Wei Lin shps951023
@mini-software programmer and a husband/daddy 👨‍💻 (GitHub time : 22:00-23:00)

@kdc-one & @hctgroup Dongguan ⇄ Kaohsiung

Jhonathan Carvalho jhonathancarvalho
Desenvolvedor de software apaixonado por tecnologia, criando soluções inovadoras e compartilhando conteúdos para iniciantes.


Saeid Doroudi doroudi
Full-Stack web Developer | .Net - C# - Asp.Net - Microservices - Vue - SQL - DevOps

Next Top Tech Iran

André Miranda Cardoso AndreCardoso02

Angola Telecom Luanda, Angola

Sai Janani Swaminathan sai-janani99
Software Engineer

@microsoft Prague, Czech Republic

Agnès ZITTE agneszitte
Senior Software Engineer @unoplatform | One of the core maintainers of the open-source @unoplatform project

@unoplatform Canada

Junior Felix juniorfelixgb
Desarrollo de Software | .NET Developer, Blazor WebAssembly

codingwithjunior Distrito Nacional, Republica Dominicana

Andres Pineda ajpinedam
💻 Coder | 🚀 Dev Community Contributor


Divine drnkwati
I am committed to empowering people make their dreams and imaginations a reality by promoting persistence, creativity and teamwork.

Full-Stack Software Architect Samara

Arabidopsis ArabidopsisDev
Say goodbye to my youth~

Shandong Agricultural University