Character(s) Description
aa Ante meridiem (am) or post meridiem (pm), abbreviated, lower case.
"am" or "pm".
AA Ante meridiem (AM) or post meridiem (PM), abbreviated, upper case.
"AM" or "PM".
c ISO 8601/RFC 3339 (without fraction).
d Day of the month.
"1" to "31".
dd Day of the month, zero padded.
"01" to "31".
DD Day of the month, space padded.
" 1" to "31".
e Day of the week (single digit)
"0" (Sunday) to "6" (Saturday).
eee Day of the week (abbreviated name).
"Sun" (Sunday) to "Sat" (Saturday).
f Full date.
g Hour (12-hour clock).
"1" to "12".
gg Hour (12-hour clock), zero padded.
"01" to "12".
h Hour (24-hour clock).
"0" to "23".
hh Hour (24-hour clock), zero padded.
"00" to "23".
i Minute
"0" to "59".
ii Minute, zero padded.
"00" to "59".
l RFC 1123 (time zone abbreviation is always "GMT").
"Sat, 03 Feb 2001 04:05:06 GMT"
m Month
"1" to "12".
mm Month, zero padded.
"01" to "12".
mmm Month (abbreviated name).
"Jan" to "Dec".
n Nanosecond fraction, 1-digit, fixed. (Tenths of a second.)
nn Nanosecond fraction, 2-digit, fixed. (Hundredths of a second.)
nnnnnnnnn Nanosecond fraction, 9-digit, fixed.
N Nanosecond fraction, 1-digit, trimmed. (Tenths of a second.)
NN Nanosecond fraction, 2-digit, trimmed. (Hundredths of a second.)
NNNNNNNNN Nanosecond fraction, 9-digit, trimmed.
o Time offset in seconds.
"0", "3600", "-28800" etc.
oooo Time offset in zero padded +/-hours-minutes.
ooooo Time offset in zero padded +/-hours-colon-minutes.
OOO Time zone abbreviation.
"GMT", "CEST" etc.
q Quick/readable with optional fraction.
"2001-02-03 04:05:06 +0700" or "2001-02-03 04:05:06.809 +0700".
r RFC 2822
"Sat, 03 Feb 2001 04:05:06 +0700"
s Second
"0" to "59".
ss Second, zero padded.
"00" to "59".
t Full 24-hour time.
v Is daylight saving time.
"0" or "1".
yyyy Year, 4-digit (minimum), zero padded.
z ISO 8601/RFC 3339 with 'Z' timezone (without fraction).
. Is only special if followed by an optional fraction N, in which case it will be
removed if the fraction is zero.