When upgrading the intelmq-certbund-contact package sometimes additional manual steps are needed. These are documented here.
If installing from scratch, please refer to README.md for the necessary steps.
The Version 0.9.4 implements new email associated tags. For them the database must be updated according to the section Email Tags in db-updates-sql.md.
Then, tag (group) names can be added using statements like:
INSERT INTO tag_name (tag_name, tag_name_order)
VALUES ('Format', 1);
and actual tags like:
INSERT INTO tag (tag_name_id, tag_value,
tag_description, is_default)
VALUES (1, 'csv_inline', 'CSV inline', true);
INSERT INTO tag (tag_name_id, tag_value,
tag_description, is_default)
VALUES (1, 'csv_attachment', 'CSV attachment', false);
See db-updates-sql.md.