Quick demo project to show Django.
- Runs in Docker
- Hello World response
- Naive JSON response
- Django REST API based response.
- Swagger schema
First time, and if you change dependencies or Dockerfile:
`docker-compose build`
To test:
`docker-compose run dev /code/manage.py test`
To run development:
`docker-compose run --service-ports dev`
Then visit
- http://localhost:8000/
- http://localhost:8000/naive/numbers - JSON response done naively.
- http://localhost:8000/naive/numbers/28
- http://localhost:8000/numbers/ - API with properly defined entities.
- http://localhost:8000/numbers/28/
- http://localhost:8000/docs/ - Auto generated Docs.
- http://localhost:8000/metrics - Prometheus metrics.