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Darryl Pogue edited this page Nov 29, 2023 · 3 revisions

CMake Flags

These flags can be specified on the command-line when invoking CMake to generate the project files, alongside CMake generators and toolsets to control what type of build files are generated.

For example, to generate Ninja build files, building with debug libraries, and enabling unit tests, you might run a command like this in the project root:

cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DPLASMA_BUILD_TESTS=ON -S . -B build-ninja-debug

The resulting Ninja build files will be generated in a build-ninja-debug subfolder and can be built either by running ninja directly or by running CMake in the project root and specifying a specific target:

cmake --build build-ninja-debug --target plClient

To generate Visual Studio 2019 project files building a 32-bit Windows client, invoke CMake with the following generator and arch options: -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A Win32

Build Configuration Flags


    Whether to use the vcpkg package manager to automatically build all dependencies. Default ON for Windows, OFF for other platforms.


    Whether to make a Debug or Release build (or RelWithDebInfo to make a release build with debugging info). Default is probably Debug, but this is usually overridden by the build type as configured in the Visual Studio or Xcode IDEs.


    Whether this is an External release build (with internal developer tools such as the console disabled). Default is OFF (i.e., by default it will build an Internal client).


    Whether to build the plClient project. Default is ON.


    Whether to build the plUruLauncher project. Default is ON.


    Whether to build the unit tests for the Plasma project. Default is OFF.


    Whether to build the non-client Plasma developer tools. Default is ON.


    Whether to build the 3D Studio Max plugin. Default is OFF and cannot be turned ON if the 3DSMax SDK is not found. Can be set to REQUIRED to fail the build if the 3DSMax SDK is not found.


    Whether to build the Plasma crash handler program with stacktrace support. Default is ON.


    Whether to build the resource.dat file resources at compile time. Default depends on whether Python, Pillow, and CairoSVG can be found (needed for generating PNG assets from the SVG source files before bundling into resource.dat).


    Whether to allow multiple source files to be combined at build time into "Unified Sources" to speed up compilation times. Default depends on CMake version and whether optimizations are enabled.


    Whether to allow precompiled header files to be generated and used to speed up compilation times. Default depends on CMake version and whether optimizations are enabled.


    Whether to embed information about the git commit and branch in the product version. Default is ON.


    Whether to embed information about the build time in the product version. Default is based on the value of PRODUCT_EMBED_BUILD_INFO.

Build Feature Flags


    Whether to build Plasma with the DirectX rendering pipeline. Default is ON if the DirectX 9 SDK is found.


    Whether to build Plasma with the (incomplete) OpenGL rendering pipeline. Default is ON if the libepoxy library is found.


    Whether to build Plasma with the Apple Metal rendering pipeline. Default is ON if compiling on an Apple system (i.e., macOS).


    Whether to enable verbose plResManager debugging logs. Default is OFF.


    Whether to use EFX for environmental audio effects. Default is ON if the efx.h header file is found.


    Whether to use EGL as a backend option for the OpenGL rendering pipeline. Default is ON if libEGL is found.


    Whether to use Opus as a higher quality voice chat codec. Default is ON if the Opus library is found.


    Whether to use Speex as a voice chat codec. Default is ON if the Speex library is found.


    Whether to use the VPX library for supporting WebM-encoded video files. Default is ON if libvpx is found.


    Whether to use the libWebM library for supporting WebM-encoded video files. Default is ON if libwebm is found.


    Whether to enable using the clang-tidy sanitizer. Default is OFF.

Product Flags

You can't really change these without breaking compatibility with the MOULa server.


    The branch ID of the product. Default is 1.


    The build ID of the product. Default is 918.


    The build type of the product. Default is 50.


    The product core name. Default is UruLive.


    The product short name. Default is UruLive.


    The product's long name. Default is Uru Live.


    The product's UUID. Default is ea489821-6c35-4bd0-9dae-bb17c585e680.

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