New Stuff.. wow, very original update name (1.1.0)
New Hitsound: ADOFAI
New Chart Editor Category: Note Spamming, containing an even easier spam tool
Jack Notes are timed properly
Hitsound Volume in Chart Editor
Sick Only Mode: If it's not a Sick/Marvelous, DIE!
Made it more apparent that you can use Alt to change the note's notetype to the selected notetype
Fixed GF Sing and GF section causing BF and GF to play the same animations instead of just GF
Custom Window Titles - by editing a file located in the mod's data folder, you can change the window's name!
Renamed the "Space to V-Pose" option to "Enable Taunt Key", it makes more sense i guess.
Disabling "Enable Taunt Key" now actually disables BF's ability to taunt
Added "Desert Bus" - An 8 hour marathon, now fully playable! It's the longest charted FNF song to actually be playable! (though its a loop, sooo idk)
New Options:
Memory Leaks - stops cache clearing when entering gameplay
Camera Note Movement - Copied from Denpa Engine
Rating Name Display - Allows you to change how the Rating strings on the Psych/TGTv4 hud look
Vanilla FNF HP Colors - uses the health bar colors that used to be used on base FNF
Double Note Ghost Zoom - enables zoom when double note ghosts activate
Auto Pause on Focus Loss - toggles the game pausing when it's not in focus
Wrong Cameras - Sets the popups' camera to camGame instead of camHUD
Disable Chart Editor - disables opening the Chart Editor when 7 is pressed.
Health Display - allows you to see how much health you have left