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A toy RV32I CPU that supports all RV32I unprivileged instructions except FENCE instructions.

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This is a toy RV32I CPU, supporting all RV32I instructions except for the FENCE instruction. It is written in Verilog and is synthesizable.

此爲一個簡易 RV32I CPU,支援所有除 FENCE 外的 RV32I 指令。此項目使用 Verilog 編寫,代碼可以綜合並實現。

All the simulation testcases in riscv/testcase/sim/ are passed and all the testcases in riscv/testcase/fpga/ are passed on the FPGA board (xc7a35tcpg236-1).

已通過所有模擬測試(位於 riscv/testcase/sim/ 目錄下),及所有 FPGA 測試(位於 riscv/testcase/fpga/ 目錄下)。

This is an assignment of SJTU ACM class. For more information about this assignment, click here.

此項目爲 SJTU ACM 班課程作業。如需獲取更多關於此大作業的内容,點此檢視詳情

Documents 文檔

All the document is under docs/ directory.

所有文檔位於 docs/ 目錄下。

For the documents of development, see the overview part. Most of the technical details, including the important logic of each module, as well as the interface of each module, are well documented.


How to Use 使用方法

All the source code is under riscv/ directory. Please make sure to be right at the riscv/ directory before doing the following things.

所有源代碼均位於 riscv/ 目錄下。請確保在進行下述操作前已經切換到 riscv/ 目錄下。

Simulation 模擬

Replace the <testcase_name> with the name of the testcase you want to run (or the number at the beginning of the file name). You may also use other testcase by just putting the testcase under riscv/testcase/sim/ directory.

<testcase_name> 替換為你想要運行的測試用例名稱(或者是文件名前綴的數字)。你也可以將其他測試用例放在 riscv/testcase/sim/ 目錄下。

Running 運行

$ make test_sim name=<testcase_name>

Debugging 調試

$ make test_sim_debug name=<testcase_name>


You may synthesize and implement this project and run it on the FPGA board. For the board xc7a35tcpg236-1, you can also use the bitstream file in the project release (named as bitstream_xc7a35tcpg236-1.bit).

你可以將此項目綜合並實現,並在 FPGA 板上運行。如果你使用的是 xc7a35tcpg236-1 板,你也可以使用項目發布中的 bitstream 文件(bitstream_xc7a35tcpg236-1.bit)。

Features 特性

For things about the instructions, see the supported instructions section.


  • Out-of-order execution (Tomasulo algorithm)

    亂序執行(Tomasulo 算法)

  • Branch prediction


Supported Instructions 支援指令

The instructions are all RV32I instructions. See the official website and the specification page for more information.

支援的指令均爲 RV32I 指令。如需獲取更多關於指令的信息,請參閱官方網站規範頁面

Instruction Description
LUI Load Upper Immediate
AUIPC Add Upper Immediate to PC
JAL Jump and Link
JALR Jump and Link Register
BEQ Branch if Equal
BNE Branch if Not Equal
BLT Branch if Less Than
BGE Branch if Greater Than or Equal
BLTU Branch if Less Than Unsigned
BGEU Branch if Greater Than or Equal Unsigned
LB Load Byte
LH Load Halfword
LW Load Word
LBU Load Byte Unsigned
LHU Load Halfword Unsigned
SB Store Byte
SH Store Halfword
SW Store Word
ADDI Add Immediate
SLTI Set on Less Than Immediate
SLTIU Set on Less Than Immediate Unsigned
XORI Exclusive OR Immediate
ORI OR Immediate
ANDI AND Immediate
SLLI Shift Left Logical
SRLI Shift Right Logical
SRAI Shift Right Arithmetic
SUB Subtract
SLL Shift Left Logical
SLT Set on Less Than
SLTU Set on Less Than Unsigned
XOR Exclusive OR
SRL Shift Right Logical
SRA Shift Right Arithmetic

Instruction Format 指令格式

31           25 24         20 19         15 14 12 11          7 6       0
|                   imm[31:12]                   |     rd      | 0110111 | LUI
|                   imm[31:12]                   |     rd      | 0010111 | AUIPC
|             imm[20|10:1|11|19:12]              |     rd      | 1101111 | JAL
|         imm[11:0]          |     rs1     | 000 |     rd      | 1100111 | JALR 
| imm[12|10:5] |     rs2     |     rs1     | 000 | imm[4:1|11] | 1100011 | BEQ
| imm[12|10:5] |     rs2     |     rs1     | 001 | imm[4:1|11] | 1100011 | BNE
| imm[12|10:5] |     rs2     |     rs1     | 100 | imm[4:1|11] | 1100011 | BLT
| imm[12|10:5] |     rs2     |     rs1     | 101 | imm[4:1|11] | 1100011 | BGE
| imm[12|10:5] |     rs2     |     rs1     | 110 | imm[4:1|11] | 1100011 | BLTU
| imm[12|10:5] |     rs2     |     rs1     | 111 | imm[4:1|11] | 1100011 | BGEU
|         imm[11:0]          |     rs1     | 000 |     rd      | 0000011 | LB
|         imm[11:0]          |     rs1     | 001 |     rd      | 0000011 | LH
|         imm[11:0]          |     rs1     | 010 |     rd      | 0000011 | LW
|         imm[11:0]          |     rs1     | 100 |     rd      | 0000011 | LBU
|         imm[11:0]          |     rs1     | 101 |     rd      | 0000011 | LHU
|  imm[11:5]   |     rs2     |     rs1     | 000 |  imm[4:0]   | 0100011 | SB
|  imm[11:5]   |     rs2     |     rs1     | 001 |  imm[4:0]   | 0100011 | SH
|  imm[11:5]   |     rs2     |     rs1     | 010 |  imm[4:0]   | 0100011 | SW
|         imm[11:0]          |     rs1     | 000 |     rd      | 0010011 | ADDI
|         imm[11:0]          |     rs1     | 010 |     rd      | 0010011 | SLTI
|         imm[11:0]          |     rs1     | 011 |     rd      | 0010011 | SLTIU
|         imm[11:0]          |     rs1     | 100 |     rd      | 0010011 | XORI
|         imm[11:0]          |     rs1     | 110 |     rd      | 0010011 | ORI
|         imm[11:0]          |     rs1     | 111 |     rd      | 0010011 | ANDI
|   0000000    |    shamt    |     rs1     | 001 |     rd      | 0010011 | SLLI
|   0000000    |    shamt    |     rs1     | 101 |     rd      | 0010011 | SRLI
|   0100000    |    shamt    |     rs1     | 101 |     rd      | 0010011 | SRAI
|   0000000    |     rs2     |     rs1     | 000 |     rd      | 0110011 | ADD
|   0100000    |     rs2     |     rs1     | 000 |     rd      | 0110011 | SUB
|   0000000    |     rs2     |     rs1     | 001 |     rd      | 0110011 | SLL
|   0000000    |     rs2     |     rs1     | 010 |     rd      | 0110011 | SLT
|   0000000    |     rs2     |     rs1     | 011 |     rd      | 0110011 | SLTU
|   0000000    |     rs2     |     rs1     | 100 |     rd      | 0110011 | XOR
|   0000000    |     rs2     |     rs1     | 101 |     rd      | 0110011 | SRL
|   0100000    |     rs2     |     rs1     | 101 |     rd      | 0110011 | SRA
|   0000000    |     rs2     |     rs1     | 110 |     rd      | 0110011 | OR
|   0000000    |     rs2     |     rs1     | 111 |     rd      | 0110011 | AND


A toy RV32I CPU that supports all RV32I unprivileged instructions except FENCE instructions.







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