-This Weather Map Application is a web-based application built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. -It provides users with weather forecasts for different locations. -The application is fully responsive and features toast notifications for notifications.
-HTML: Used for structuring the web pages. -CSS: Used for styling and layout of the application. -JavaScript: Used for dynamic functionality and fetching weather data. -Toast for Notification: Implemented toast notifications for user alerts.
-index.html: Contains the structure and content of the web pages. -index.css: Contains the styles for the application. -index.js: Contains the JavaScript code for dynamic functionality and fetching weather data.
-Responsive Design: The application is designed to adapt to different screen sizes and devices. -Weather Forecasts: Users can view weather forecasts for various locations and also for current location -Toast Notifications: Implemented toast notifications for providing user alerts and notifications.
1.Open Terminal: Right-click in the project directory and select "Open Terminal" or "Open in Terminal".
2.Start Live Server: Once the Terminal is open, type the command to start a live server. If you're using VS Code, you can use an extension like "Live Server". Right-click on the index.html file and select "Open with Live Server".