The idea behind this project was to create a page for students to track how many dricks they've bought from the school and if they've actually paid for them.
This is the route of the landing page. It routes to the view 'resources/views/welcome.blade.php'.
Route::get('/', function () {
return view('welcome');
// New order form
Route::get('/order', 'OrderController@create');
// Create a new order and store it in the database
Route::get('/order/new', 'OrderController@store');
// Info about a specific order
Route::get('/order/{orderID}', 'OrderController@show');
// Show all history
Route::get('/history', 'HistoryController@index');
// Persist a new payment in the db
Route::post('/history', 'HistoryController@store');
// Show a specific students order and payment history
Route::get('/history/{student_id}', 'HistoryController@show');
/* Stores a payment from a specific student in the database
and redirects to paymentMade view */
public function store(Request $request)
$name = Student::find($request->student_id)->name;
$history = new History();
$history->student_id = $request->student_id;
$history->deposit = $request->deposit;
$name = Student::find($request->student_id)->name;
$time = new DateTime('now');
$time->format('Y-m-d H-i-s');
return view('paymentMade', [
'student_id' => $history->student_id,
'deposit' => $history->deposit,
'time' => $time,
'name' => $name
public function show($student_id)
// gets all orders, payments and name of a specific student
$orders = Student::find($student_id)->orders->sortByDesc('date');
$name = Student::find($student_id)->name;
$payments = History::where('student_id', $student_id)->latest()->get();
$totalPayments = 0;
foreach ($payments as $payment) {
$totalPayments += $payment->deposit;
// fetching the price from Drinks table
$beer = Drink::select('cost')->where('name', 'Öl')->first();
$wine = Drink::select('cost')->where('name', 'Vin')->first();
$softdrink = Drink::select('cost')->where('name', 'Läsk')->first();
$moonshine = Drink::select('cost')->where('name', 'Moonshine')->first();
$ordersPrice = 0;
// For each order row. Adding to sum.
foreach ($orders as $order) {
$sumBeer= $order->beer_quantity * $beer->cost;
$sumWine = $order->wine_quantity * $wine->cost;
$sumMoonshine = $order->moonshine_quantity * $moonshine->cost;
$sumSoftdrink = $order->softdrink_quantity * $softdrink->cost;
$order->price = $sumBeer + $sumWine + $sumMoonshine + $sumSoftdrink;
$ordersPrice += $order->price;
//calculate the total debt
$totalprice = $ordersPrice - $totalPayments;
return view('studentHistory', [
'orders' => $orders,
'payments' => $payments,
'totalPrice' => $totalprice,
'student_id' => $student_id,
'name' => $name
public function create() {
// Get all the different programmes students can
// attend from the database
$eds = DB::table('educational_programes')->get();
// Get all students from each study programme
$studentsFWD19 = DB::table('students')->where('class', 'FWD19')->get();
$studentsFWD20 = DB::table('students')->where('class', 'FWD20')->get();
$studentsIK19 = DB::table('students')->where('class', 'IK19')->get();
$studentsIK20 = DB::table('students')->where('class', 'IK20')->get();
$params = [
'eds' => $eds,
'studentsFWD19' => $studentsFWD19,
'studentsFWD20' => $studentsFWD20,
'studentsIK19' => $studentsIK19,
'studentsIK20' => $studentsIK20
// Send programmes and students to the view
return view('order', $params);
public function store(Request $request) {
$data = new Order;
// Capture inputs from the order view
$data->student_ID = $request->input('student_ID');
$data->beer_quantity = $request->input('beer_quantity');
$data->wine_quantity = $request->input('wine_quantity');
$data->softdrink_quantity = $request->input('softdrink_quantity');
$data->moonshine_quantity = $request->input('moonshine_quantity') ?? 0;
// If it's possible to save this new order to the database
if ($data->save()) {
// Sent the user to '/order/{orderID}'
// The orderID gets set upon saving the order to the database, hence the if-case
return redirect('/order/' . $data->id);
<!-- Logo on dark background -->
<div class="container">
<!-- Inside a 'container' we have the @yield. -->
<!-- This is where the content from each view loads. -->
<!-- Links to creators and GitHub repo -->
The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
© 2020 Chas Academy