Web app Link: https://apurvayadav-cyberbullying-tweet-recognition-app-webapp-z6y643.streamlitapp.com/
This app predicts the nature of the tweet into 6 Categories.
- Age
- Ethnicity
- Gender
- Religion
- Other Cyberbullying
- Not Cyberbullying
Model: Used linear Support Vector Machine to classify tweets.
Streamlit: Used Streamlit to create simple webapp to make the model interactive.
- Downloaded the data from kaggle. (data)
- Performed some Exploratory Data Analysis to get the overview of data. (initial_modelling.ipynb)
- Created a Word Cloud from the data.
- Performed the necessary steps for textual analysis.
- Removing Stopwords, puctuations, URLs, etc
- Performed Stemming and Lemmatization.
- Automated the process of preprocessing by creating functions. Which would be helpful in predicting Custom Outputs.
- Created Illustrations for the webapp from Canva. (Images)
- Deployed the webapp on streamlit.
- Twitter Sentiment Analysis- A NLP Use-Case for Beginners - https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2021/06/twitter-sentiment-analysis-a-nlp-use-case-for-beginners/