Vismatrix is a nice tool to visualize sparse matrices in (.smat) format
sudo apt install libgl1-mesa-dev libglut-dev
bash all.bash
To Professor David Gleich for this wonderful tool.
vismatrix 2.0
Copyright David Gleich, Leonid Zhukov, 2006-2007.
Unless otherwise noted, the source files are distributed under the BSD-style license found in the LICENSE file.
See also LICENSE files in each one of the subdirectories boost, glui, and tclap.
1 Install dependencies (tested on Ubuntu 23.04 LTS):
sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev libxmu-dev libxi-dev libz-dev g++ make cmake
2 Download the code into /tmp/vismatrix:
git clone --depth 1 /tmp/vismatrix
3 Compile the code (in /tmp/build-vismatrix):
4 The executable file will be /tmp/build-vismatrix and you may install into /usr/local/bin by using:
sudo cp /tmp/build-vismatrix/vismatrix /usr/local/bin/
The matrix input file is quite simple (0-index based):
m n nnz
i j x
i j x
where the first line has m as the number of rows, n as the number of columns, and nnz as the number of non-zero values. The following lines contain the index of row i and column j of the non-zero entry x.
See example.smat file.
vismatrix example.smat
Some commands:
- right-click to Exit
- mouse move: pan
- shift + mouse: zoom
- control + click: inspect value
- right-click: options