Lat Lon and UTM bidirectional converter.
translate from Python UTM library
Support Geodetic System
- WGS84 (default)
- GRS80
- Bessel
The UTM coordinate system is explained on this Wikipedia page.
Simple usage.
Default geodetic system is WGS84
import 'package:utm/utm.dart';
final utm = UTM.fromLatLon(lat: -30, lon: -150);
print('zone: ${}');
print('N: ${utm.northing}');
print('E: ${utm.easting}');
print('lat: ${}');
print('lat: ${utm.lon}');
final latlon = UTM.fromUtm(
easting: utm.easting,
northing: utm.northing,
zoneNumber: utm.zoneNumber,
zoneLetter: utm.zoneLetter,
print('lat: ${}');
print('lon: ${latlon.lon}');
Use specific geodetic system
UTM.fromLatLon(lat: -30, lon: -150, type: GeodeticSystemType.bessel);
easting: utm.easting,
northing: utm.northing,
zoneNumber: utm.zoneNumber,
zoneLetter: utm.zoneLetter,
type: GeodeticSystemType.grs80,
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