The hack.summit "mood ring" demo, built on IBM Bluemix, used Docker containers and services to display a real-time dashboard of the "tone" of the summit based on the Twitter hashtag #hacksummit.
Follow the steps below to deploy the demo yourself. If you are not a bluemix user, you may register at
Deploy the following 2 services from Bluemix Service catalog:
Insights for Twitter
Watson Tone Analyzer
Configure the envrc file to your environment variable values.
NAMESPACE should be your Bluemix registry namespace, e.g. cf ic namespace get
ANALYZER_CCS_BIND_SRV should be the Watson Tone Analyzer service instance name
TWITTER_CCS_BIND_SRV should be the Insights for Twitter service instance name
Download Docker 1.10 or later, CF CLI 6.12.0 or later and IBM Container CLI extension. Login to IBM Bluemix container service using cf login and cf ic login.
Deploy the ElasticSearch, Kibana and Mood-Ring Analyzer container by running analyzer/
Deploy the Mood-Ring Twitter feeder container by running twitter/
Bind a public ip to the Kibana container so you can access kibana web UI at http://{public_ip}:5601/. From Kibana UI, you may create an index called "tone-analysis" and create your own visual diagrams or dashboard.
Interested in adding your own feeder from a different data source than twitter or knowing more details? Check internal details.