This package is intended for logging in MLog by implementing a Logger Provider.
Please go through the following instructions to add Provider to your project.
Install the following package from NuGet
Install-Package AGE.Extensions.Logging.MLog
Then follow the instructions from Configuration and Usage sections below.
Add the following configuration section to your appsettings.json:
"Url": "urlToMLogService",
"CertificatePath": "pathToPrivateCertificate",
"CertificatePassword": "certPassword"
Add the following code snippet to your Startup.ConfigureServices method:
services.AddLogging(builder => builder
.AddMLog(options =>
Configuration.Bind("Logging:MLogConfig", options);
options.ErrorLogger = mlogErrorLogger;
using (logger.BeginScope("{event_type}{service}", "Signature.Success", "testService"))
logger.LogError("Logging with scope => {test}", "scope");
logger.LogError("Took place an error with event type: {event_type} with data: {test}", "ERROR", "test");