This is a repo that holds backend functionality for an E-Commerce website created by Halimah, Oskar, Diana and Alex.
ere are instructions for how to install this locally on the repo:
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Navigate to the repo
cd hoda-e-commerce-backend
- Install NPM packages
npm install
- Create a .env file in the root directory
touch .env
and insert the following lines
- [optional] Enter the following script to create the build -
and run the server.
npm start
- Enter the following script to seed database with example data from /database/seed.sql
npm run seed
- Enter the following script to run the server in the development mode.
npm run dev
Prettier should be installed with other packages upon initialisation and utilise .prettierrc config file in the repo to ensure uniform formatting among contributors. For reference, the configuration is presented below:
"trailingComma": "es5",
"tabWidth": 4,
"singleQuote": true
GET /products/
- Retrieve a list of all products -
GET /products/:id
- Retrieve product by id -
GET /products?search=?
- Retrieve a list of products matching search string, e.g.kill
would return To Kill a Mockingbird:[ { "product_id": 2, "product_name": "To Kill a Mockingbird", "product_author": "Harper Lee", "product_description": "A novel by Harper Lee, focusing on racial injustice in the Deep South.", "category": "Classic Literature", "price": 1299, "product_image": "to_kill_a_mockingbird.jpg", "stock": 30, "reviews": [ { "review_id": 4, "author": "user2", "rating": 5, "comment": "Atticus Finch for President!" }, { "review_id": 5, "author": "user3", "rating": 4, "comment": "The courtroom drama was intense!" }, { "review_id": 6, "author": "user4", "rating": 5, "comment": "I want to be Scout when I grow up." } ] } ]
POST products/checkout
- Checkout products. Here's a sample request body:{ "user_id": 3, "products": [ { "product_id": 12, "quantity": 100 }, { "product_id": 11, "quantity": 99 } ] }
If the order is successfully submitted you'll receive the following response on Postman: 'Order complete'.
POST /sign-up
- Sign up as a user. Here's an example body you can use on Postman to test this works:{ "email": "[email protected]", "username": "Betty", "password": "d" }
POST /login
- Login after creating a user. Here's an example body:{ "email": "[email protected]", "password": "d" }
POST /logout
- Logout of the active session