The code that powers, maybe some day too.
Development dependencies:
- Erlang, Elixir
- PostgreSQL
- TimescaleDB PostgreSQL extension
- Node.JS, NPM
You can create a timescaledb instance using the
script. (this requires docker and you need to change the DATA_DIR
variable in the script)
Configure config/dev.exs
if you need another db/user than fd_dev
and postgres
Checkout dependencies
mix deps.get
cd assets && npm install && cd ..
Create the database
mix ecto.create
(Not needed for the docker iamge) If your postgresql user is not a superuser, you will need to create the database manually and load the extensions:
psql -d fd_database
create extension timescaledb;
Run the database migrations
mix ecto.migrate
Run it
iex -S mix phx.server
Add an instance:
instance_domain = ""
{:ok, instance} = Fd.Instances.create_instance(%{"domain" => instance_domain})
Crawl an instance:
Fd.crawl(domain | id)
Switch flags for an instance:
Fd.Instances.switch_flag(id, "dead", true)
- dead
- monitor
- hidden
- valid