MIQA is a medical scan QA/QC application. It takes .nifti files and a CSV file as input, and output the same CSV file with additional QA/QC results.
The server is built based on Girder, a python based data management solution, and the client application is built with Vue.js, Vuetify, and Vue CLI. The medical scan visualization is powered by VTK.js
MIQA has an implementation of active learning. It uses MRIQC to extract features out of scans then uses labeled data and Random Forest Regression to evaluate if a dataset meets the standard.
MIQA can be development on Linux. See development for detail.
MIQA can be deployed on any Linux system. This repo provided a solution with Docker.
The simplest way to try out MIQA is to follow these steps here. You could also build MIQA from scratch with the scripts here.