openpyn 1.2 (fireblocker)
New Features:
"-f" forces Firewall Rules to block leakage, if tunnel breaks (Experimental!) . uses iptables to block all traffic to other interfaces except internal traffic and traffic to the specific ip address of the openvpn server you are trying to connect to.
install script with "".
"-kf" clears iptables rules and kills any openvpn processes.
"-d" now displays server that are not (yet) shown on the nordVPN's site yet but their openvpn files exist.
- now uses "--redirect-gateway" switch for openvpn to force traffic through the tunnel.
- "-b" () now utilises openvpn's "----daemon" switch
- A description added to "-h"
- Shows help when no other argument is given.
- Improved instructions in