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MiniMOTD uses the HOCON (.conf) file format for it's configuration files. A line starting with # indicates a comment. It is recommended to use an editor which supports HOCON syntax highlighting for the best experience. VSCode and Sublime Text both have HOCON extensions available.

Basic Configuration

For basic configuration, we are only concerned with the main.conf config file. Here is the default for reference:

# MiniMOTD Main Configuration

# Enable server list icon related features
# Enable MOTD-related features
# The list of MOTDs to display
# - Supported placeholders: {onlinePlayers}, {maxPlayers}
# - Putting more than one will cause one to be randomly chosen each refresh
        # Set the icon to use with this MOTD
        #  Either use 'random' to randomly choose an icon, or use the name
        #  of a file in the icons folder (excluding the '.png' extension)
        #    ex: icon="myIconFile"
        line1="<rainbow>MiniMOTD Default"
        line2="MiniMessage <gradient:blue:red>Gradients"
        # Set the icon to use with this MOTD
        #  Either use 'random' to randomly choose an icon, or use the name
        #  of a file in the icons folder (excluding the '.png' extension)
        #    ex: icon="myIconFile"
        line1="<blue>Another <underlined><bold><red>MOTD"
        line2="<italic><gradient:red:green>much wow</gradient>"
player-count-settings {
    # Setting this to true will disable the hover text showing online player usernames
    # Settings for the fake player count feature
    fake-players {
        # Modes: static, random, percent
        # - static: This many fake players will be added
        #     ex: fakePlayers: "3"
        # - random: A random number of fake players in this range will be added
        #     ex: fakePlayers: "3:6"
        # - percent: The player count will be inflated by this much, rounding up
        #     ex: fakePlayers: "25%"
        # Enable fake player count feature
    # Setting this to true will disable the player list hover (same as 'disable-player-list-hover'),
    # but will also cause the player count to appear as '???'
    # Changes the Max Players to be X more than the online players
    # ex: x=3 -> 16/19 players online.
    just-x-more-settings {
        # Enable this feature
    # Changes the Max Players value
    # Enable modification of the max player count

Advanced Configuration

For proxy servers there is more configuration available. In plugin_settings.conf, you are able to assign specific MOTD configs (found in the extra-configs folder) to specific virtual hosts. The default plugins_settings.conf is below for reference.

# MiniMOTD Plugin Configuration

# Settings only applicable when running the plugin on a proxy (Velocity or Waterfall/Bungeecord)
proxy-settings {
    # Here you can assign configs in the 'extra-configs' folder to specific virtual hosts
    # Either use the name of the config in 'extra-configs', or use "default" to use the configuration in main.conf
    # Format is "hostname:port"="configName|default"
    virtual-host-configs {
    # Set whether to enable virtual host testing mode.
    # When enabled, MiniMOTD will print virtual host debug info to the console on each server ping.
# Do you want the plugin to check for updates on GitHub at launch?
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