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Juju DB Introspection

Provide introspection tools to understand the state of the system, including relation data which is normally opaque.

This is intended as a foresnic tool for advanced users to diagnose or examine the state of the environment.

*Use at own risk. This can break between any juju versions*

This is very specific to the underlying database structures of any given juju version, which is an implementation detail subject to change without notice.

That said the implementation here works across all extant releases of juju core. However past success is no guarantee of future compatiblity.

* Do no write to the db *

Do not attempt to write to any of these structures, bad things will happen and you get to keep all the broken things. Use the juju api if you need to modify something. Juju uses a mongodb client-side transaction library that does multi-document mods atomically and is dependent on all writers using the same txn library. More details on that here for the curious


Available via pypi, dependencies are pymongo and pyyaml:

$ pip install juju-dbinspect

Depending on your provider and juju version you may need to open up access to port 37017 on the state server (machine 0 if not ha).

CLI Intro

CLI Usage is documented via the built-in help:

$ juju db --help

juju db --help
usage: juju-db [-h] [-e ENVIRONMENT] [-v] targets [targets ...]

Juju database introspection

  Drop into an interactive python shell.
    $ juju db shell

  Get the last n transactions (default 100) that have modified the
    $ juju db history [n]

  Get the names of all the services in the system.
    $ juju db services

  Get the names of all the units in the system.
    $ juju db units

  Get the details on machine 0.
    $ juju db 0

  Get the details on the unit mysql/0.
    $ juju db mysql/0

  Get the details on the mysql service::
    $ juju db mysql

  Get the relation settings for the mysql/0 unit in the wordpress relation::
    $ juju db mysql/0 wordpress

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                      Juju environment to operate on
  -v, --verbose         Verbose output

DB Interactive Shell

Also available with the same core functionality is a python interactive shell with access to the db. The shell can be started with:

kapil@realms-slice:~$ juju db shell -e syracuse
Juju DB Shell

Basics entity iteration commands:

>>> units()
[u'message/0', u'db/0', u'identity/0', u'meter/0']
>>> machines()
[u'0', u'230', u'232', u'233', u'231']
>>> services()
[u'db', u'identity', u'message', u'meter']
>>> pprint(relations())
 u'meter:identity-service identity:identity-service',
 u'identity:shared-db db:shared-db',
 u'meter:amqp message:amqp']

Let's inspect machine 0's constraints:

>> machine('0').constraints
  {u'cpupower': None, u'container': None, u'cpucores': None,
   u'mem': None, u'arch': None, u'rootdisk': None}

What units are on machine 230:

>> machine('230').units

And what's going on with the meter/0 unit:

>>> pprint(unit('meter/0'))

{u'_id': u'meter/0',
 u'charmurl': u'local:precise/ceilometer-52',
 u'life': 0,
 u'machineid': u'233',
 u'ports': [{u'number': 8777, u'protocol': u'tcp'}],
 u'principal': u'',
 u'privateaddress': u'',
 u'publicaddress': u'',
 u'resolved': u'',
 u'series': u'precise',
 u'service': u'meter',
 u'subordinates': [],
 u'tools': {u'sha256': u'',
            u'size': 0L,
            u'url': u'',
            u'version': u''}}

 >>> unit('meter/0').status
 {u'status': u'started', u'statusinfo': u'', u'statusdata': {}}

Let's inspect the identity to metering service relation and look at the relation data of their units:

>>> unit('meter/0').relation_data('identity')
 {u'_id': u'r#190#requirer#meter/0',
  u'admin_url': u'',
  u'internal_url': u'',
  u'private-address': u'',
  u'public_url': u'',
  u'region': u'RegionOne',
  u'requested_roles': u'ResellerAdmin',
  u'service': u'ceilometer'}

>>> unit('identity/0').relation_data('meter')
 {u'_id': u'r#190#provider#identity/0',
  u'admin_token': u'witieweithoinaiwuojeFiepuneiseye',
  u'auth_host': u'',
  u'auth_port': u'35357',
  u'auth_protocol': u'https',
  u'ca_cert': u'omitted for brevity',
  u'https_keystone': u'True',
  u'private-address': u'',
  u'service_host': u'',
  u'service_password': u'eingahVeehivaiHahnohngahTooYizei',
  u'service_port': u'5000',
  u'service_protocol': u'https',
  u'service_tenant': u'services',
  u'service_username': u'ceilometer',
  u'ssl_cert': u'omitted for brevity',
  u'ssl_key': u'omitted for brevity'}

We can also examine the history of the environment via introspection of the transaction log:

>>> history()

2014/03/06-19:31:39 applied
  units:message/0 update {u'$set': {u'privateaddress': u''}}
2014/03/06-19:31:39 applied
  units:message/0 update {u'$set': {u'publicaddress': u''}}
2014/03/06-19:31:40 applied
  settingsrefs:s#message#local:precise/rabbitmq-server-146 update {u'$inc': {u'refcount': 1}}
  units:message/0 update {u'$set': {u'charmurl': u'local:precise/rabbitmq-server-146'}}
2014/03/06-19:33:07 applied
  units:message/0 update {u'$addToSet': {u'ports': {u'protocol': u'tcp', u'number': 5672}}}
2014/03/06-19:33:08 applied
  units:message/0 cond {u'life': {u'$ne': 2}}
  statuses:u#message/0 update {u'$set': {u'status': u'installed', u'statusdata': {}, u'statusinfo': u''}}
2014/03/06-19:33:08 applied
  units:message/0 update {u'$pull': {u'ports': {u'protocol': u'tcp', u'number': 55672}}}
2014/03/06-19:33:09 applied
  units:message/0 update {u'$addToSet': {u'ports': {u'protocol': u'tcp', u'number': 5671}}}
2014/03/06-19:33:13 applied
  units:message/0 cond {u'life': {u'$ne': 2}}
  statuses:u#message/0 update {u'$set': {u'status': u'started', u'statusdata': {}, u'statusinfo': u''}}
2014/03/06-19:33:13 applied
  units:message/0 cond {u'life': 0}
  relations:message:cluster update {u'$inc': {u'unitcount': 1}}
  settings:r#198#peer#message/0 create {u'private-address': u''}
  relationscopes:r#198#peer#message/0 create {u'_id': u'r#198#peer#message/0'}
2014/03/06-19:33:43 applied
  units:identity/0 cond {u'life': 0}
  relations:identity:cluster update {u'$inc': {u'unitcount': 1}}
  settings:r#197#peer#identity/0 create {u'private-address': u''}
  relationscopes:r#197#peer#identity/0 create {u'_id': u'r#197#peer#identity/0'}
2014/03/06-19:33:52 applied
  units:identity/0 cond {u'life': 0}
  relations:identity:shared-db db:shared-db update {u'$inc': {u'unitcount': 1}}
  settings:r#200#requirer#identity/0 create {u'private-address': u''}
  relationscopes:r#200#requirer#identity/0 create {u'_id': u'r#200#requirer#identity/0'}
2014/03/06-19:33:52 applied
  units:db/0 cond {u'life': 0}
  relations:identity:shared-db db:shared-db update {u'$inc': {u'unitcount': 1}}
  settings:r#200#provider#db/0 create {u'private-address': u''}
  relationscopes:r#200#provider#db/0 create {u'_id': u'r#200#provider#db/0'}
2014/03/06-19:33:52 applied
  units:message/0 cond {u'life': 0}
  relations:meter:amqp message:amqp update {u'$inc': {u'unitcount': 1}}
  settings:r#199#provider#message/0 create {u'private-address': u''}
  relationscopes:r#199#provider#message/0 create {u'_id': u'r#199#provider#message/0'}
2014/03/06-19:33:53 applied
  settings:r#199#provider#message/0 update {u'$set': {u'hostname':
  u'', u'ssl_port': u'5671', u'ssl_ca':'value_omitted'}
  u'$unset': {}}

Available helper commands

  • units
  • unit
  • services
  • service
  • machines
  • machine
  • relations
  • relation
  • charms


Juju database introspection tools






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