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This is a tutorial that aims to show how use TLA+ trace validation tools. It uses the specification of a StopWach and of resetable TicTac clock. An error was deliberately introduced in each of the corresponding implementations of StopWatch and TicTac to show how the trace specification is able to detect a discrepancy between the implementation and the specification. There is also a different implementation of a TicTac clock (TicTacWatch ) whose purpose is to show how more complex variables like a matrice can be logged (can be validated using the specifications TicTac and TicTacWatch).


  • Java >= 17
  • Apache maven >= 3.6
  • Python >= 3.9
  • TLA+ >= 1.8.0 (The Clarke release)

Install the trace validation tools (and TLA+)

See README at trace validation tools.

Install python librairies

The ndjson Python library is needed in order to perform the validation; it can be installed with:

pip install ndjson

We suppose that python and pip are the commands for Python and its package installer, if otherwise you should change the above line and some of the following accordingly.

Build the Java program

Change the version of the dependency org.lbee.instrumentation in the file pom.xml according to the one you use (in .m2 or on the github maven registry) and run

mvn package

Perform trace validation

To check the conformity of the trace produced by the program, the script can be used. It consists of the following steps:

  • clean old trace files
  • run implementation of the program
  • merge trace files into one trace file and strip off unnecessary information
  • Run TLC on the resulting trace file


  • --version: Name of the implementation to test: StopWatch or TicTac
  • --compile: compile the source code before running
  • --dfs: use depth-first search (if not specified breadth-first search is used)
  • args: arguments for the implementation


python -dfs -v StopWatch 22 0 1 0

python -v TicTac 100

python -v TicTacWatch 23 50 20

Perform trace validation on a trace file

Alternatively, we can run the implementation with the script Arguments:

  • --version: Name of the implementation to test: StopWatch or TicTac
  • args: arguments for the implementation


python -v StopWatch 22 0 1 0

python -v TicTac 100

python -v TicTacWatch 23 50 20

Then, clean the trace file by using the script Arguments:

  • files: Trace files to merge (or directories containg ndjson files to be merged)
  • --config: Config file (default=conf.ndjson)
  • --sort: Sort by clock (default=True)
  • --remove_meta: Remove clock and sender data (default=True)
  • --out: Output file (default=trace.ndjson)


python tictac.ndjson

python stopwatch.ndjson

python tictacwatch.ndjson

The validation can then be performed with the script Arguments:

  • spec: Specification file
  • --config: Config file (default=conf.ndjson)
  • --trace: Trace file (default=trace.ndjson)
  • --dfs: use depth-first search (if not specified breadth-first search is used)


python spec/TicTacTrace.tla

python spec/StopWatchTrace.tla

python spec/TicTacWatchTrace.tla

Note: first and last examples can be both used to validate a trace obtained by running TicTacWatch.

Directory structure

  • spec/**: contains (trace) specifications
  • src/**: contains implementations