This repo contains implementation of various Text line segmentation algorithms. The implementations are listed below:
- Likforman-Sulem, Laurence, Anahid Hanimyan, and Claudie Faure. "A Hough based algorithm for extracting text lines in handwritten documents." Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition. Vol. 2. IEEE, 1995. - Alaei, Alireza, Umapada Pal, and P. Nagabhushan. "A new scheme for unconstrained handwritten text-line segmentation." Pattern Recognition 44.4 (2011): 917-928. - Louloudis, Georgios, et al. "Text line and word segmentation of handwritten documents." Pattern Recognition 42.12 (2009): 3169-3183. - Papavassiliou, Vassilis, et al. "Handwritten document image segmentation into text lines and words." Pattern recognition 43.1 (2010): 369-377.