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sriramsub edited this page May 2, 2016 · 9 revisions

Frontend Metrics

         **Mbean**	                        |                          **Description**    
putBlobOperationLatencyInMs                          The latency of the put blob operation measured at the frontend
deleteBlobOperationLatencyInMs                       The latency of the delete blob operation measured at the frontend
getBlobPropertiesOperationLatencyInMs                The latency of get blob properties operation measured at frontend
getBlobUserMetadataOperationLatencyInMs              The latency of get blob usermetadata operation measured at frontend
getBlobOperationLatencyInMs                          The latency of get blob operation measured at frontend
putBlobOperationRate                                 The rate at which put blob operation calls happen at the frontend
deleteBlobOperationRate                              The rate at which delete blob operation calls happen at frontend
getBlobPropertiesOperationRate                       The rate at which getblobproperties operation happen at frontend
getBlobUserMetadataOperationRate                     The rate at which getBlobUsermetadata operation happen at frontend
getBlobOperationRate                                 The rate at which getBlob operation happen at frontend
operationExceptionRate                               The rate at which operation calls have an error
putBlobError                                         The error rate for put blob operations
deleteBlobError                                      The error rate for delete blob operations
getBlobPropertiesError                               The error rate for get blob properties operations
getBlobUserMetadataError                             The error rate for get blob usermetadata operations
getBlobError                                         The error rate for get blob operations            
ambryUnavailableError                                The error rate when ambry is not available 
operationTimedOutError                               The error rate when operation times out
invalidBlobIdError                                   The rate at which invalid blob Ids are specified in a get or delete
insufficientCapacityError                            The rate at which put requests fail when capacity is not available
blobTooLargeError                                    The rate at which put fails due to blobs being too large
blobDoesNotExistError                                The rate at which get and delete fail because blob does not exist
blobDeletedError                                     The rate at which get and delete fail because blob is deleted
blobExpiredError                                     The rate at which get and delete fail because blob is expired
corruptionError                                      The rate at which get fails because the blob is corrupt
successfulCrossColoProxyCallCount                    The rate at which successful calls happen cross colo to fetch blob

Server Metrics

         **Mbean**	                        |                          **Description**  
putBlobRequestQueueTimeInMs                         Time spent by put requests in the request queue  
putBlobProcessingTimeInMs                           Time spent processing the put request  
putBlobResponseQueueTimeInMs                        Time spent by the response of put in the response queue  
putBlobSendTimeInMs                                 Time spent sending the response for put  
putBlobTotalTimeInMs                                Total time for put  
getBlobRequestQueueTimeInMs                         Time spent by get blob request in request queue    
getBlobProcessingTimeInMs                           Time spent by get blob in processing  
getBlobResponseQueueTimeInMs                        Time spent by the response of get blob in the response queue  
getBlobSendTimeInMs                                 Time spent sending the response for get blob  
getBlobTotalTimeInMs                                Total time for get blob  
getBlobPropertiesRequestQueueTimeInMs               Time spent by get blob properties request in request queue  
getBlobPropertiesProcessingTimeInMs                 Time spent by get blob properties in processing  
getBlobPropertiesResponseQueueTimeInMs              Time spent by response of get blob properties in the response queue  
getBlobPropertiesSendTimeInMs                       Time spent sending the response for get blob properties  
getBlobPropertiesTotalTimeInMs                      Total time for get blob properties  
getBlobUserMetadataRequestQueueTimeInMs             Time spent by get blob usermetadata request in request queue  
getBlobUserMetadataProcessingTimeInMs               Time spent by get blob usermetadata in processing  
getBlobUserMetadataResponseQueueTimeInMs            Time spent by response of get blobusermetadata in the response queue  
getBlobUserMetadataSendTimeInMs                     Time spent sending the response for get blob usermetadata  
getBlobUserMetadataTotalTimeInMs                    Total time for get blob usermetadata  
deleteBlobRequestQueueTimeInMs                      Time spent by delete blob request in request queue  
deleteBlobProcessingTimeInMs                        Time spent by delete blob in processing  
deleteBlobResponseQueueTimeInMs                     Time spent by the response of delete blob in the response queue  
deleteBlobSendTimeInMs                              Time spent sending the response for delete blob usermetadata  
deleteBlobTotalTimeInMs                             Total time for delete blob  
replicaMetadataRequestQueueTimeInMs                 Time spent by replica metadata request in request queue  
replicaMetadataRequestProcessingTimeInMs            Time spent by replica metadata request in processing  
replicaMetadataResponseQueueTimeInMs                Time spent by the response of replica metadata in the response queue  
replicaMetadataSendTimeInMs                         Time spent sending the response for replica metadata usermetadata  
replicaMetadataTotalTimeInMs                        Total time for replica metadata request  
putBlobRequestRate                                  Rate at which put blobs occur
getBlobRequestRate                                  Rate at which get blobs occur
getBlobPropertiesRequestRate                        Rate at which get blob properties occur
getBlobUserMetadataRequestRate                      Rate at which get blob usermetadata occur
deleteBlobRequestRate                               Rate at which delete blob occur
replicaMetadataRequestRate                          Rate at which replicametadata request occur
partitionUnknownError                               Error when partition is not known
diskUnavailableError                                Error when disk is not available
partitionReadOnlyError                              Error when blob is put in a partition that is read only
storeIOError                                        Error when an IO error occurs in the store
unExpectedStorePutError                             Unknown error during Put
unExpectedStoreGetError                             Unknown error during Get
unExpectedStoreDeleteError                          Unknown error during delete
unExpectedStoreFindEntriesError                     Unknown error when find entries occur                                 
idAlreadyExistError                                 Error when ID already exist while trying to put
dataCorruptError                                    Error when there is a disk corrupt
unknownFormatError                                  Error when the format is error
idNotFoundError                                     Error when id is not found                       
idDeletedError                                      Error when id is already deleted

Replication Metrics

         **Mbean**	                        |                          **Description**  

interColoReplicationBytesRate                       The rate at which bytes are transferred between datacenters  
intraColoReplicationBytesRate                       The rate at which bytes are transferred within a datacenter  
interColoMetadataExchangeCount                      The rate at which metadata exchange happens between datacenters  
intraColoMetadataExchangeCount                      The rate at which metadata exchange happens within a datacenter  
interColoBlobsReplicatedCount                       The rate at which blobs are replicated between datacenters  
intraColoBlobsReplicatedCount                       The rate at which blobs are replicated within a datacenter  
replicationErrors                                   The rate at which replication errors occur
replicationInvalidMessageStreamErrorCount           The rate at which invalid messages are seen during replication
interColoReplicationLatency                         The time taken to replicate bytes end to end between datacenters
intraColoReplicationLatency                         The time taken to replicate bytes end to end within a datacenter
interColoExchangeMetadataTime                       The time taken to exchange metadata information between datacenters
intraColoExchangeMetadataTime                       The time taken to exchange metadata information within a datacenter
interColoFixMissingKeysTime                         The time taken to fix missing keys between datacenters
intraColoFixMissingKeysTime                         The time taken to fix missing keys within a datacenter
replicaLagInBytes                                   The lag between two machines for each partition
metadataRequestError                                The rate at which metadata request error happens during replication
getRequestError                                     The rate at which get request error happens during replication
localStoreError                                     The rate at which the local store write fails during replication