- MLflow tracking
- Deployment of best model via FastAPI
- Streamlit user interface to post data to FastAPI endpoint
- Run python sctipt to download training data:
python /data/getData.py
- start MLflow server by running: mlflow uiPytorch training
- run "training.py" to train the model
- User docker compose:
docker-compose up -d --build
- use "http://localhost:8501" to access the service front-end
- upload image and wait for the model to generate the image caption
- Contains files to setup backend service e.g. MLflow and FastAPI/data
- Data used for model training/mlruns
- ML runs from ML training experiments/mlartifacts
- ML artifacts from ML training experimentsbeheaded_inception3.py
- Beheaded Incpection3 model from torchvisionDockerfile
- Dockerfile to build backend servicemain.py
- Python script to serve ML artifacts via FastAPIMLproject
- python libraries to be installed during docker image buildtraining.py
- Python script PyTorch training with MLflow tracking. Run with this command:python training.py
- utility functions
- Folder containining the frontend user interface (UI) aspect of project (i.e. Streamlit)app.py
- Python script for the Streamlit web app, connected with FastAPI endpoint for model inferenceDockerfile
- Dockerfile to build frontend service