GitHub offered some free tokens to test their AI Models
You can test this using their Codespaces. But since I wanted to implement a simple chat in PHP, I though about making this simple steps:
- Adding the GitHub Token in an .env variable (Check later install instructions)
- Getting a simple Bootstrap HTML template
- For the moment just keep it down to two simple calls: Chat AI and upload image to describe it's contents
CHAT: Implemented IMAGE UPLOAD: Not yet, needs the PHP Logic.
That is essentially what it does!
This is using composer to get the dependencies so make sure to get it running in the command line.
Just clone this repository, go to the directory where it is checked out and run:
composer install
The only requirement is a library called phpdotenv that reads the variables defined in a file and adds it to your ENV variables. This file is in purpouse exclude it from the repository, so please add it:
touch .env
Then edit it with any text editor and add your GITHUB_TOKEN:
This is just a token to be able to access Azure API and talk with the AI model.
Then you can just upload this to your server or run it locally.