A scala implementation of Conway's Game of Life. This implementation takes
in an input file and returns the result after a given number of iterations
or ticks. The the number of cells in each iteration logged to population.out
Created as part of CMPT 470 Winter 2021 Term.
sbt can be used to build and run the Scala implementation GoL:
`sbt compile`
`sbt "run [-h][-t <ticks>][-g <geo>] <input_file> <output_file>"`
`-h` displays the program usage
`-t <ticks>` sets the number of ticks/iterations to run the program for,
represented by the positive integer <ticks>
`-g <geo>` sets the geometry type. Valid geometry types include:
`f` --- flat
`c` --- cylindrical
`t` --- toroidal
`input_file` - the path to an input text file
`output_file` - the path to an output text file
sbt "run -t 1000 inputs.txt output.txt"
The first line in the file should contain the number of rows, ' '
. The rest of the
file should be '*'
represents cells that are "Alive" and a space ' '
represents cells that
are "Dead".
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