A simple web chat application built with Clojure(Script).
This small application doesn't include all of the features expected in a real web chat application, but simply demonstrates the use of websockets for real time messaging in a Clojure(Script) environment.
There are 3 predefined rooms where the users can have a group chat.
Users are also able to message eachothers privately.
Http-kit Http server for Clojure. Used for handling HTTP requests and websocket connections.
Metosin/Reitit Backend side routing libray for Clojure.
Hiccup HTML representation library for Clojure(Script).
Reagent React wrapper for Clojurescript.
Re-frame Client state management library for Clojurescript.
Secretary client side routing library for Clojurescript.
Wscljs Lightweight websocket client for Clojurescript.
Bulma CSS framework.
Leiningen was used to bootstrap the project with a starting template.
Figwheel.main is used for frontend side code hot reloading.
I'm using emacs + cider in my workflow for REPL driven development, but I believe that other editors can be used for the same purpose given that the required plugins are installed.
At the root of the project, launch the following command:
Leiningen will download and install all the needed dependencies. After that, you can open your browser and navigate to localhost:8000
To generate a production frontend build run this command:
$ clojure -m figwheel.main -O advanced -bo prod
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