the Flutter implementation of color-thief, based on quantize_dart.
import 'package:color_thief_flutter/color_thief_flutter.dart';
import 'package:color_thief_flutter/utils.dart';
// color_thief_flutter.dart
getColorFromUrl('url/to/image').then((color) {
print(color); // [R,G,B]
getPaletteFromUrl('url/to/image').then((palette) {
print(palette); // [[R,G,B]]
getImageFromUrl('url/to/image').then((image) {
print(image); // Image
getImageFromProvider(imageProvider).then((image) {
print(image); // Image
getColorFromImage(image).then((color) {
print(color); // [R,G,B]
getPaletteFromImage(image).then((palette) {
print(palette); // [[R,G,B]]
// utils.dart
final hsv = fromRGBtoHSV([90, 90, 90]);
print(hsv); // [0, 0, 35]
final rgb = fromHSVtoRGB([90, 90, 90]);
print(rgb); // [126, 230, 23]
Main package of color_thief_flutter.
All these functions return
if the parameter is unqualified
returns the base color from the largest cluster, represented as [R,G,B]
returns a list that contains the reduced color palette, represented as [[R,G,B]]
returns the Image from url
returns the real Image of ImageProvider
returns the base color from the largest cluster, represented as [R,G,B]
returns a list that contains the reduced color palette, represented as [[R,G,B]]
- Url to image.imageProvider
- ImageProvider.image
- Image that get fromgetImageFromProvider
- Between 2 and 256. The maximum number of colours allowed in the reduced palette.quality
- Between 1 and 10. There is a trade-off between quality and speed. The bigger the number, the faster the palette generation but the greater the likelihood that colors will be missed.
Tools for format colors.
May cause loss of significance
retruns HSVColor, represented as [H,S,V]
retruns RGBColor, represented as [R,G,B]
's range is [0,255]H
's range is [0,360]S,V
's range is [0,100]
Licensed under the MIT License.