- Install the full TexLive distribution, including XeLaTeX.
- Install Biber.
From the command line:
From VS Code, use the TeX Workshop extension.
This template uses Biblatex. To use a citation between parentheses, use
(for one citation) or \autocites
(for more than one citation).
To use a citation in running text, use \textcite
. Change the citation style
in document.sty
. See the Biblatex documentation for more information.
Manage your references using researchr.org. To set this up: create a new bibliography,
copy the identifier (such as b0402c72-980f-6580-6b0e-7a614ed2d64c-master-thesis
) from the URL,
and paste the identifier in your Makefile
as the value of the RESEARCHR
Executing make bib
will download the latest bibliography from Researchr.
To create a subset of pages (for review for example), install stapler
The syntax is:
stapler sel document.pdf 6-12 16 17-22 subset.pdf
The template has the following direct package dependencies:
- acronym - Acronyms
- amsmath - Mathematical typesetting
- biblatex - Bibliographies
- booktabs - Improved table quality
- cleveref - Intelligent cross-referencing
- color - Color management
- csquotes - Context-sensitive quotes
- fontspec - Advanced font selection
- graphicx - Enhanced include-graphics support
- hyperref - Hypertext support
- listings - Code listings
- mathabx - Mathematical symbols
- microtype - Improved text justification
- sourcecodepro - Source Code Pro font
- tabularx - Tables with adjustable-width columns
- todonotes - TODO notes
- wrapfig - Text flows around figures
- xargs - Define commands with many optional arguments
- xassoccnt - Counters
- xcolor - Color extensions
- xltxtra - XeLaTeX extras
- xunicode - Unicode support