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This is the artifact accompanying the paper "Leapfrog: Certified Equivalence for Protocol Parsers", to appear at PLDI 2022.

Hardware requirements

You should be able to build Leapfrog and run most of its evaluation on any modern laptop. To run the larger benchmarks you will need a more powerful computer, as Leapfrog ends up using a lot of memory. For reference, we conducted our evaluation on a server with 500GB of RAM.

Installation instructions

You can either install Leapfrog using a Docker image or build it from source. We recommend using the Docker image.

Option 1: Installation inside Docker

The easiest way to run Leapfrog is to run it inside the provided Docker container. To do this, you will need Docker version 20.10.12 or newer, which should be available through your system's package manager.

If you are running Docker on Linux, we recommend running in root-less mode. Alternatively, you may add your user to the docker group in order to get access to the Docker daemon, but please be aware of the following:

  1. Adding yourself to the docker group exposes you to certain security risks---i.e., anyone in the docker group is essentially a password-less root user.
  2. The container will mount the local directory. Since the user inside of the container is root, this may create root-owned files in your local directory as well.

There are a few ways to get the Docker image. This container is a few GB in size, so this can take a while depending on the speed of your internet connection. The third option has to build Coq and other dependencies, so it will take a while depending on the speed of your computer.

  1. Download it from Zenodo to a local file leapfrog-docker-image.tar.xz and then run docker load -i leapfrog-docker-image.tar.xz.
  2. Download a public version from the Docker repos with docker pull hackedy/leapfrog:latest
  3. Build a copy locally from the Zenodo source archive
cd leapfrog
make container

The Leapfrog experiments can take a long time, so we suggest mounting a persistent volume for the image to store logs and other output. If you don't do this, the output of Leapfrog within the image will not be saved between invocations of docker run, and you will almost certainly lose data. One of the authors recently skipped this step in artifact evaluation and had to redo a bunch of experiments :)

To make a persistent volume, create a new directory and make sure it is globally accessible:

mkdir logs
chmod o+rwx logs

Then, run the image and mount the directory with the following Docker command:

docker run --platform 'linux/amd64' -v `realpath logs`:/home/opam/leapfrog/benchmarking/logs -it hackedy/leapfrog bash

Either way, once you have the Leapfrog docker image installed, you can start it up and run a shell with

docker run --platform 'linux/amd64' -it hackedy/leapfrog

This will drop you into a Bash shell in a copy of the Leapfrog source with all the Coq built. Inside the container, the MirrorSolve plugin is located in ~/mirrorsolve.

Option 2: Manual installation

For this option, we will assume Ubuntu 21.10 as a base operating system. Instructions for other systems may differ slightly.

Leapfrog relies on the following packages:

  • GNU Make, version 4.3 or later
  • GNU MP Bignum, version 6.2 or later
  • GNU Time, version 1.9 or later
  • CVC4, version 1.8 or later
  • Z3, version 4.8.14 or later
  • Dune, version 2.9.3 or later.
  • OCaml, version 4.11.1 or later
  • OPAM, version 2.0.8 or later.
  • Coq, version 8.15.2
  • Equations (Coq plugin), version 1.3+8.15
  • MirrorSolve (Coq plugin)
  • Python, version 3.9 or later
  • Pipenv, version 11.9 or later

System-level software packages

To install Make, CVC4, Z3, OPAM, and GNU MP Bignum on Ubuntu, run the following:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential cvc4 z3 opam libgmp-dev python3 pipenv time

Packages installed through OPAM

First, initialize OPAM. If you are running inside a container, you may also want to add the --disable-sandboxing flag.

opam init
eval $(opam env)

Next create a new switch---possibly substituting your version of the OCaml compiler:

opam switch create leapfrog ocaml-base-compiler.4.11.1
eval $(opam env)

Then, add the Coq OPAM repository:

opam repo add coq-released

Finally, update the OPAM state, and install the required versions of Coq and Equations:

opam update
opam install coq=8.13.2 coq-equations=1.3~beta1+8.13 dune=2.9.3

Installing MirrorSolve

The MirrorSolve source code can be obtained using Git, as follows:

git clone -b pldi22-artifact

To build and install the plugin, run the following inside the mirrorsolve directory:

dune build
dune install

Building Leapfrog

Finally, you can build Leapfrog by running make inside the main source directory. Warnings about missing the mirrorsolve module are normal here.


Leapfrog comes with several benchmarks, divided into "small" and "large" based on the resources required to run them (see "Hardware Requirements" above). They are all located under lib/Benchmarks. Each of these is divided into a file containing the declaration of the P4 automata (e.g., SmallFilter.v) and a file invoking the Leapfrog equivalence checking scripts (e.g., SmallFilterProof.v).

Files for each benchmark

The mapping between the benchmarks in the paper (Table 2) and the development is as follows.

Paper name Automaton definition Proof file
State Rearrangement Ethernet.v EthernetProof.v
Header initialization SelfComparison.v SelfComparisonProof.v
Speculative loop MPLSVectorized.v MPLSVectorizedProof.v
Relational verification SloppyStrict.v SloppyStrictProof.v (prebisim_sloppystrict_stores)
External filtering SloppyStrict.v SloppySTrictProof.v (prebisim_sloppystrict)
Variable-length parsing IPOptions.v (IPOptionsRef63,TimeStampSpec3) IPOptions{1,2,3}Proof.v
Edge Edge.v EdgeSelfProof.v
Service Provider ServiceProvider.v ServiceProviderTransProof.v
Datacenter DataCenter.v DataCenterSelfProof.v
Enterprise Enterprise.v EnterpriseSelfProof.v
Translation Validation Edge.v EdgeTransProof.v

Of these, the first half ("State Rearrangement" through "External Filtering") are classified as "small" benchmarks, while the rest are "large".

Use of admit

Our language equivalence checking scripts come in two flavors. One version, which is described in the paper, uses admit to discharge proof obligations that have been cleared by our plugin. This means that we have to close the proof using Admitted. Another version of the script uses two (unsound) axioms to discharge these proof goals instead, which means that the proof can be closed with Qed.

For the small benchmarks, we have used the latter version --- although the one with admit also still works. The larger benchmarks do not complete on our hardware with the axiom-based scripts, because Coq's proof checker runs out of memory at QED-time. These benchmarks therefore use the admit-based scripts described in the paper.

To verify that only smt queries are admitted in benchmarks, run Print Assumptions after one of the small benchmarks. You should see a few axioms that are equivalent to Axiom K, and also two axioms for smt positive and negative. Our admit script has the same structure as the axiom script but it uses admit instead of applying the axioms. To see that the axioms are being used safely, you can also inspect the script in BisimChecker.v.

Running one benchmark (30 seconds)

From the root of the Leapfrog repo, run

make ethernet

This should run the Ethernet.v benchmark, which is a simple equivalence check. It should take a few seconds to a minute at most (it took us 5 seconds on a laptop and 10 seconds on a server). There will be a lot of debugging output, this is normal.

If this works, you are ready to move on to using the benchmarking script.

Running the benchmark script (5 to 15 minutes)

Verify that the benchmarking tools work correctly by running on one benchmark.

The benchmarking tools are in benchmarking/. To bootstrap the environment, enter the Leapfrog directory and run

make pipenv

Next change directory to benchmarking/:

cd benchmarking

The benchmarking script is and it takes one required option, --size, as well as several optional options. Run the benchmarking script on the ethernet benchmark by the following command:

pipenv run ./ --size one -f ethernet

This should take 30 seconds at most. The runner outputs the logs of the benchmarks, including performance statistics, into benchmarking/logs. If you are using Docker and have a persistent volume set up, check that the logs are also showing up outside the Docker image.

Optional: run the benchmark script on the small benchmarks (15 minutes)

If you have the time, verify that the small benchmarks finish by running the following command:

pipenv run ./ --size small

This should take about 15 minutes.

Running the benchmarks interactively

If you've built everything locally, you should be able to open the benchmark files in lib/Benchmarks in your favorite Coq editor, and step through the proofs.

If you've built the Docker image, you may need to set up your editor inside of the container first. The user opam is a password-less sudoer, so you should be able to invoke apt and install what you need. For your convenience, the Docker image also provides a pre-installed version of Coqide. If your host OS is Linux, you should be able to run the following:

docker run --platform 'linux/amd64' -u root -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -h $(shell cat /etc/hostname) -v ~/.Xauthority:/home/opam/.Xauthority -it hackedy/leapfrog
# inside the container shell
eval $(opam env)
make -B _CoqProject

Note that the docker command starts a root prompt inside the container, which is necessary for it to have access to your local .Xauthority file.

On Mac OS X, coqide can run from inside the container using a combination of XQuartz and socat, as described here.

Instructions: Evaluate the claims (variable, 2 hours to a week)

Our paper makes the following claims:

  1. A tool exists for reasoning about P4A parsers. This is witnessed by our implementation in general.
  2. Our implementation mechanizes a variety of language-equivalence results about P4A parsers. This is witnessed by compiling leapfrog (which compiles and checks our Coq proofs of language-equivalence metatheory).
  3. We prove language equivalence for a variety of benchmarks (Table 2). On small benchmarks, the proof is interactive, while large benchmarks take longer and require a lot of memory.
  4. We validate the optimized output of the parser-gen tool for a single benchmark, namely edge (Figure 7).

Claims 1 and 2 are verified by the implementation compiling. For a detailed mapping of concepts from the paper to their equivalents in the implementation, please see the "Code overview" section below. We now discuss how to verify claims 3 and 4 in more detail.

Language equivalence (Claim 3)

There are two sets of benchmarks, small and large (grouped by total state size less than 10 states), that together compose the contents of Table 2. Because the small benchmarks are reasonably fast while the large benchmarks are not, we provide a runner script benchmarking/ for running these groups of benchmarks separately.

We also provide a data extraction script which measures the runtime and memory usage of the benchmarks in benchmarking/ Like, it needs to be run using pipenv.

Small benchmarks (30 minutes)

If you haven't already run them, go back to the "Running the benchmark script" section above and run them.

The output of the runner indicates where the logs are saved. Here is some example output, showing how the runner uses the git hash and current time to create a new directory.

pipenv run ./ --size small
running small benchmarks
building leapfrog...
dune build -p leapfrog
starting benchmarking with output directory: 
more output 

To check the runtimes, run the plotting script with this output directory as an argument. For example:

pipenv run ./ /Users/john/leapfrog/benchmarking/logs/609bf43/03-03-2022.17:01:50

sloppystrict,609bf43,2022-03-03 17:01:50,00:01:40.430000,2275424
mpls,609bf43,2022-03-03 17:01:50,00:02:06.650000,3526288
ethernet,609bf43,2022-03-03 17:01:50,00:00:04.710000,677920
selfcomparison,609bf43,2022-03-03 17:01:50,00:09:49.710000,4625728
ipfilter,609bf43,2022-03-03 17:01:50,00:00:25.930000,1154928

This produces a CSV on standard output. The columns are benchmark name, hash, timestamp, runtime in hh:mm:ss, and maximum memory use in KB. So in this output, mpls (the overview example) took 2 minutes and 6.65 seconds while using roughly 3.3 GB memory.

Verify that all of the small benchmarks succeeded and in particular, that the plotting script produces rows for sloppystrict, mpls, ethernet, selfcomparison, and ipfilter.

Large benchmarks (a long time, should be done asynchronously)

These benchmarks take a long time and more memory than any ordinary laptop has available. For reference, the Edge applicability benchmark took 9 hours and occupied 250 GB of memory on our server. So we recommend using nohup to run them remotely if possible. They use the same runner script as above, but with the --size option set to large:

pipenv run ./ --size large

To run them with nohup in the background, you can use the following command:

nohup pipenv run ./ --size large > leapfrog_output.out 2>&1 &

As for the small benchmarks, you can use the plotting script to view the runtime and memory usage for all the benchmarks. The output directory for the logs will be at the beginning of the leapfrog_output.out file if run using the nohup command.

Note: One claim that is not validated by the artifact is the variable-length parser. The specific sentence in the paper is

Our parser handles up to three generic options, with data-dependent lengths that ranges from 0 bytes to 6 bytes.

The artifact benchmark is for two generic options (notice that the ipoptions benchmark is in fact ipoptions2).

This is due to a modification to our proof search algorithm. Since the submission, in part due to reviewer feedback, we refactored and reimplemented part of our Ltac tactics to support axioms. While we have spent some time optimizing the new search algorithm, it is still not as performant as our previous algorithm, and so the ipoptions3 benchmark does not finish on our hardware.

We are in contact with our paper shepherd about this and we do not expect that the artifact supports the claim in the paper.

Translation validation (Claim 4)

The translation validation experiment is found in lib/Benchmarks/Edge.v and lib/Benchmarks/EdgeTransProof.v. Our version of the Edge parser is the Plain automata in Edge.v, while the output of the parser-gen is the Optimized automata in Edge.v. To build this automata, we implemented a python script for converting TCAM tables into P4A parsers; this script is found in lib/Benchmarks/ The parser-gen TCAM output is in a string in (the definition of edge on line 532), and the script prints out a P4A automata when run. Similar to before, the script requires a pipenv environment, so you will need to run pipenv install first, and then run the following command from lib/Benchmarks:

pipenv run ./ > EdgeOptimizedOriginal.v

There is now a P4A automata definition in EdgeOptimizedOriginal.v that should compile: compare it with the Optimized automata in Edge.v.

Our conversion script is naive and the output needs a few more manual edits. In particular, we made the following edits:

  • Removed unused header branches. The output automata converts a TCAM mask expression (such as 0x0F) into a bit-by-bit comparison. Many of these comparisons are unnecessary, e.g. in State_0, the first 16 matched bits are never used, so we completely remove them from the select statement.

  • Condensed contiguous select slices: for example, in State_0, we condensed the 16 slices of buf_112[111 -- 111], buf_112[110 -- 110] ... to a single slice buf_112[111 -- 96].

  • Remove early accepts. The parser-gen tool assumed that malformed packets that are too short should be accepted (and later rejected by other mechanisms). These manifest as spurious branches that slice an entire packet but do not match the contents, and then transition to accept.

    In our implementation we assumed that such packets should be rejected. We removed these branches by hand (e.g. the second-to-last transition of State_0).

  • Repair miscompiled branches. The parser-gen tool is very clever and in State_4, the output TCAM transitions into the middle of a different parse state. Our script doesn't fully handle this behavior (it only handles transitions to the start of a parse state) and so reports an error in the comments. This comment contains info about the destination state, as well as the amount that actually should have been parsed.

    For example, the comment for the first transition is:

    (* overflow, transition to inl State_1 extracting only 48 *)

    The transition should actually go to State_1 and only consume 48 bits. We manually repaired these transitions by jumping to the proper suffix of the destination state; in this case, by still extracting 64 bits but transitioning to State_1_suff_0 (as State_1 always parses 16 bits).

Adding a new benchmark

If you would like to make a new benchmark, the fastest way is to copy and tweak one of the existing files (for example lib/Benchmarks/Ethernet.v). To add a state, add a constructor to the state inductive; to add a variable, add a constructor to the header inductive and specify its size as a nat in the definition of sz. The statement grammar includes assignment, sequencing, and extraction; for example, the statement extract(V1) ;; V2 <- V1[2 -- 1] extracts into a header variable V1 and assigns two bits from V1 to the variable V2.

For a new proof of language equivalence, again, it is best to use an existing proof as a template. However the proofs are push-button so it should be easy to do, provided the automata are in fact equivalent.

Here are the contents of an existing proof lib/Benchmarks/EthernetProof.v:

Require Import Leapfrog.Benchmarks.ProofHeader.
Require Import Leapfrog.Benchmarks.Ethernet.

Declare ML Module "mirrorsolve".
SetSMTSolver "cvc4".

Lemma ethernet_equiv:
    (P4A.interp Reference.aut)
    (P4A.interp Combined.aut)
  solve_lang_equiv_state_axiom Reference.state_eqdec Combined.state_eqdec false.
Time Qed.

If you were to tweak this, the parts to edit would be:

  1. The import path on line 2 to match your new benchmark;
  2. The automata names (Reference.aut and Combined.aut) in the lemma definition;
  3. The starting states for equivalence (Reference.SPref and Combined.Parse, which are members of the Reference.state and Combined.Parse inductives respectively);
  4. The state decidable equality instances in the tactic (Reference.state_eqdec and Combined.state_eqdec). These should be generated automatically in your benchmark file with a Scheme Equality for state. vernacular command. You will need to change these functions to match your new state inductives.

Code overview

The code of Leapfrog itself lives under lib/. What folows is an extensive but perhaps not exhaustive overview of the development in relation to the concepts from the paper.

Syntax and semantics

Concepts from the parser language syntax and semantics described in Section 3 map to Coq definitions as follows:

Concept Coq definition Filename
Expression syntax (Fig. 2) expr Syntax.v
Operation syntax (Fig. 2) op Syntax.v
Pattern syntax (Fig. 2) pat Syntax.v
Transition syntax (Fig. 2) transition Syntax.v
State syntax (Fig. 2) state Syntax.v
P4 automata syntax (Fig. 2) t Syntax.v
Expression semantics (Def. 3.1) eval_expr Syntax.v
Operation size (Def. 3.2) op_size Syntax.v
Operation semantics (Def. 3.2) eval_op Syntax.v
Pattern semantics (Def. 3.3) match_pat Syntax.v
Transition semantics (Def. 3.3) eval_trans and eval_sel Syntax.v
Configurations (Def. 3.4) configuration P4automaton.v
Configuration dynamics (Def. 3.5) step P4automaton.v
Multi-step dynamics (Def. 3.6) follow P4automaton.v
Language (Def. 3.6) accepted P4automaton.v

Symbolic relations and weakest preconditions

These are the formalizations of the symbolic relations on configurations, and the weakest precondition calculations on them.

Some concepts, for the sake of brevity:

  • A "template-guarded formula" (TGF) is a formula of the form defined in Def. 4.7;
  • A "template-guarded clause" (TGC) is understood to be a conjunction of TGFs (denoted /\ R in the paper);
  • A "template-guarded entailment" (TPE) is an entailment between a TGC and a TGF (denoted /\ R |= phi)
  • A "template-guarded co-entailment" (TPCE) is an entailment between a TGF and a TGC (denoted phi |= /\ R)

All of these are instantiations of the more general syntax for formulas in Figure 3, and derive their semantics as in the general semantics of this syntax.

Concept Coq definition Filename
Bitvector expr. syntax (Figure 3) bit_expr ConfRel.v
Bitvector expr. semantics (Def. 4.3) interp_bit_expr ConfRel.v
Template syntax (Definition 4.7) state_template ConfRel.v
Pure formula syntax (Def. 4.7, Fig. 3) store_rel ConfRel.v
Pure formula semantics (Def. 4.3) interp_store_rel ConfRel.v
TGF syntax (Def 4.7) conf_rel ConfRel.v
TGF semantics (Def 4.3) interp_conf_rel ConfRel.v
TGC syntax crel ConfRel.v
TGC semantics (Def 4.3) interp_crel ConfRel.v
TG(C)E syntax entailment ConfRel.v
TGE semantics (Def 4.3) interp_entailment ConfRel.v
TGCE semantics (Def 4.3) interp_entailment' ConfRel.v
WP^{<,>} definition (Sec. 4.3) wp_lpred WP.v
WP^{<,>} soundness (Lem. 4.8) wp_lpred_pair_safe WPProofs.v
WP definition (Lem. 4.9) wp WP.v
WP soundness (Lem. 4.9) wp_safe WPProofs.v

Note that our verified statements about the WP operator pertain to its soundness, i.e., whether the returned condition truly is a precondition, not its completeness, i.e., whether it gives the weakest precondition --- see also Section 6.4 of the paper.

Formula compilation pipeline

Our algorithm lowers the symbolic relations represented using conf_rel:

  • First, a compilation to "simplified TGE/TGCE", also called SGTE/STCGE;
  • Then, a compilation to a first-order logic over stores, called FOL(Conf);
  • Next, an optimization pass removing concatenation of empty bitvectors, returning to FOL(Conf);
  • Finally, a compilation to a first-order logic over bitvectors, called FOL(BV).

For an overview of the pipeline, we refer to Figure 5.

What follows are the pointers to the definitions of the three logics mentioned above, the compilation steps between them, and their soundness theorems. Note that the generic definition of first-order logic is located in the MirrorSolve repo, not in the Leapfrog repo. Leapfrog instantiates it with particular theories.

Concept Coq definition Filename
Simplified TG(C)E syntax simplified_entailment ConfRel.v
Simplified TGE semantics interp_simplified_entailment ConfRel.v
Simplified TGCE semantics interp_simplified_entailment' ConfRel.v
Compilation of TG(C)E to STG(C)E simplify_entailment ConfRel.v
Correctness of TGE -> STGE simplify_entailment_correct ConfRel.v
Corr. of TGCE -> STGCE simplify_entailment_correct' ConfRel.v
FOL(-) syntax fm mirrorsolve/src/theories/FirstOrder.v
FOL(-) semantics interp_fm mirrorsolve/src/theories/FirstOrder.v
FOL(Conf) instantiation fm_model FirstOrderConfRelSimplified.v
Comp. STGE to FOL(Conf) compile_simplified_entailment CompileConfRelSimplified.v
Corr. STGE -> FOL(Conf) compile_simplified_entailment_correct CompileConfRelSimplified.v
Comp. STCGE to FOL(Conf) compile_simplified_entailment' CompileConfRelSimplified.v
Corr. STCGE -> FOL(Conf) compile_simplified_entailment_correct' CompileConfRelSimplified.v
Remove zero-concatenation simplify_concat_zero_fm FirstOrderConfRelSimplified.v
Corr. zero-concatenation removal simplify_concat_zero_fm_corr FirstOrderConfRelSimplified.v
FOL(BV) instantiation fm_model FirstOrderBitVec.v
Comp. FOL(Conf) -> FOL(BV) compile_fm CompileFirstOrderConfRelSimplified.v
Corr. FOL(Conf) -> FOL(BV) compile_simplified_fm_bv_correct CompileFirstOrderConfRelSimplified.v

Equivalence checking

The optimized implementation of the algorithm (in LTac) and the elements of its correctness break down as follows.

Concept Coq definition Filename
Bisimulation (Sec. 4.1) bisimulation Bisimulations/Semantic.v
Bisimilarity vs. lang. equiv. (Lem. 4.5) bisimilar_iff_lang_equiv Bisimulations/Semantic.v
Bisimilarity with leaps (Def. 5.4) bisimilar_with_leaps Bisimulations/Leaps.v
Correctness of leaps (Lem. 5.6) bisimilar_iff_bisimilar_with_leaps Bisimulations/LeapsProofs.v
Executions of Algorithm 1 pre_bisimulation Bisimulations/WPLeaps.v
Pre-bisimulations yield bisimulations wp_leaps_implies_bisim_leaps Bisimulations/WPLeapsProofs.v
Soundness of Algorithm 1 lang_equiv_to_pre_bisim LangEquivToPreBisim.v
Calculation of I (Thm. 5.2) init_bisim BisimChecker.v
Main algorithm loop (Alg. 1, line 2-6) run_bisim_* BisimChecker.v
Final check (Alg. 1, line 7) close_bisim_* BisimChecker.v
Algorithm 1, optimized solve_lang_equiv_state_* BisimChecker.v


Certified Equivalence for Protocol Parsers







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