Have you ever wanted to be yelled at by a chicken from the kitchen?
A Twitter bot that tweets quotes from Cheap Cheap Chicken's raps, from the video game PaRappa the Rapper.
Source adapted from twitterbot on Glitch.
Working, but not automated yet.
- Use New Relic add-on to wake up
- Travis CI
- Populate
file and rename to.env
- Don't show anyone or push to version control! It's a secret 🗝
npm install -g yarn
yarn start
- This triggers @CheapCheapChkn to tweet a random quote from her rap
- Send additional POST or GET requests to http://localhost:{PORT}/2432724327 to trigger more tweets. Enjoy!
yarn lint
yarn test
- Access devDeps (so it doesn't freak out about Babel):
heroku config:set YARN_PRODUCTION=false
- Deploy:
git push heroku master
heroku logs
heroku restart